206. Telegram From the Embassy in the United Kingdom to the Department of State1

7096. Dept pass Cairo Immediate. Ref: London’s 7095.2

Greenhill has just told DCM following meeting at Prime Minister’s office, that instructions are going to British Embassy Washington to suggest earliest possible meeting (hopefully Monday) of reps there of all governments concerned to concert next steps. HMG favors Security Council meeting at earliest possible moment to adopt resolution (exact nature of which unclear to us).3 Foreign Office also suggests Foreign Secretary call in reps in London of all Arab states on Tuesday to try to get them to persuade PFLP to stand down. Greenhill said facts are not all in yet so HMG cannot, repeat, not decide about release of Leila Khaled.
In reply to question, Greenhill said HMG not considering engaging ICRC into affair but anyone could throw that suggestion into meeting they are proposing.
  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970–73, AV 12. Secret; Immediate. It was repeated to Geneva (Immediate), Bern, Tel Aviv, Bonn, Beirut, and Amman.
  2. In telegram 7095 from London, September 7, 1619Z, the Embassy notified the Department that British Ministers would be meeting shortly to discuss options. British officials reported that the Ministers were divided between those who wanted to hold firm and those who wanted to find a way out of the crisis. (Ibid.)
  3. In telegram 147016 to Bern, the Department informed Embassy officials that the United States supported the U.K. suggestion for a Security Council meeting, and that the United States was prepared to act together with the United Kingdom or separately. (National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970–73, AV 12)