194. Telegram From the Embassy in Saudi Arabia to the Department of State1

2319. Subj: PDRY Feelers on Relations. Ref: State 124289.2

We appreciate there are advantages to possible resumption USGPDRY relations, especially in terms of affecting attitudes other radical Arab states towards like resumption.
At same time, believe we must anticipate extremely adverse reaction from King Faisal and senior levels SAG when they become aware we even discussing subject with PDRYG, a government they feel is dedicated to overthrow SAG and to spread of Marxism/Maoism throughout Peninsula. We wonder if, to a lesser extent, this applies to YAR and Omani reactions.
Our impression is that major reason PDRY broke relations in first place was realization no major aid program forthcoming from USG. Absence possibility such a program in future may thus render question resumption academic in any case.
Should, however, discussions with PDRY become distinct possibility, believe it important that SAG be briefed at earliest possible moment.
  1. Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 630, Country Files, Middle East, Saudi Arabia, Vol. III. Secret; Exdis. It was repeated to London, Sanaa, and Kuwait.
  2. Telegram 124289 to London, July 11, noted that if the PDRY was serious in its recent approach on resuming diplomatic relations, then they use the British Embassy in Aden. (Ibid., Box 729, Country Files, Europe, United Kingdom, Vol. VII)