473. Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs (Rubottom) to the Secretary of State1
- NSC Discussion of Cuba, March 10, 1960
- 1.
- We understand that Mr. Gray has requested that Mr. Allen W. Dulles include Cuba in his briefing of the NSC on March 10 and that Mr. Gray intends to follow this up by posing certain questions relative to our actions in Cuba. This follows immediately on a letter which Admiral Burke (Tab A) sent to Mr. Merchant2 recommending that the United States follow a policy of collective action through the OAS coupled with covert support of anti-Castro elements in Cuba and, should this fail to bring a solution in time, that the United States be prepared to take military measures. It is understood that Admiral Burke’s recommendations were subsequently endorsed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff for submission as a proposal to the National Security Council3 but that, as the result of the position taken on behalf of the Department by Mr. Merchant in reply to Mr. Gray’s query, the latter has agreed that Admiral Burke’s proposals not be taken up by the NSC Planning Board at this time.4
- 2.
- You will recall that the Department’s position at the discussion
of the Cuban problem at the NSC on
January 145 and previously has been that it
would be inadvisable for the NSC
through the Planning Board to develop a special policy paper on
Cuba, essentially because
[Page 829]
- a.
- The President has already approved a basic paper on Cuba (Tab C)6 which remains valid and which the Department and agencies concerned are seeking to implement as effectively as possible with a rather detailed political, informational, economic, and covert program. The substance of the policy and implementing programs have been briefed to the NSC (January 14) and the JCS (January 8).7
- b.
- There is no disagreement between the Departments and agencies concerned about our basic approach towards Cuba—that the Castro regime is a threat to our security interests and the achievement of our objectives in Latin America, that there is no reasonable hope that the Castro regime will voluntarily reverse the policies which run counter to our interests and objectives, and that consequently we seek a change in Cuba with the minimum damage to U.S. prestige and interests in the hemisphere and elsewhere in the Free World. The achievement of this policy objective does not require new policy determinations but carrying out by the agencies immediately concerned—at this time primarily State, CIA and to some extent USIA—of highly intricate and delicate operations in daily coordination with each other in the current highly fluid situation. While the Department has and will continue to give appropriate briefings on our activities with respect to Cuba to the NSC, the OCB, and the JCS, it is not desirable that these bodies set up rigid operational guidelines with respect to our diplomatic, economic, informational, and covert activities, and it would probably be counter productive for the Departments and agencies concerned to subject their operations to review and concurrence in the NSC–OCB.
- c.
- In view of the fact that any action tending to cause a change in Cuba is subject to being construed in Latin America and elsewhere as “intervention,” it remains highly important that our approach to the Cuban problem and our plans to achieve the desired result be held as strictly as possible on a “need-to-know” basis and especially the circulation of papers within the Government tending to imply that the United States seeks a change.
That this position again be sustained in any discussion within the NSC concerning the possible development or consideration of a plan for Cuba by the NSC Planning Board. Should the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Mr. Gray, or others suggest the need for a further formulation of basic policy towards Cuba, it might be suggested that they be invited to go to the President with you for a discussion. In the event that their suggestions are essentially operational you might suggest that they take these up directly with the Departments and agencies concerned. ARA would be prepared to participate in briefing or discussing the Cuban situation with any member of the NSC who desires further information.
[Page 830]Attached, for convenience, are a copy of the reply which Mr. Merchant has sent to Admiral Burke (Tab B)8 and suggested answers to questions we understand Mr. Gray may raise at the NSC (Tab D).
- Source: Department of State, S/P–NSC Files: Lot 62 D 1, Cuba and the Dominican Republic. Top Secret. Drafted by Hill and concurred in by Gerard Smith. The source text is neither signed nor initialed by Rubottom.↩
- Document 466.↩
- See Document 468.↩
- The exchange between Gray and Merchant has not been further identified. Regarding the Planning Board meeting of March 8, see supra.↩
- See Document 423.↩
- See Document 387.↩
- See Document 419.↩
- Tab B was a draft reply from Merchant to Burke which was revised slightly and sent to Burke on March 10; see Document 475.↩
- Top Secret. Drafted by Hill.↩
- Text of NSC 5902/1, “U.S. Policy Toward Latin America,” February 16, 1959, is scheduled for publication in volume V.↩