277. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Tunisia1

316. For Tunis:

After further consideration latest appeals by Mr. Pineau and Mr. Gaillard that U.S. and U.K. withhold delivery of arms to Tunisia until French Government takes action in matter on or about November 17,2 you should see Bourguiba with view obtaining his agreement additional delay which we believe at this time would not exceed one week. You should make clear to Bourguiba our feeling that in view Pineau’s statement French governmental action forthcoming, Bourguiba might not wish us to hold rigidly to November 12 date and he might feel it best to give French this further opportunity of four or five days to associate themselves with U.S.–U.K. in supplying arms to GOT.

For Paris:

Convey to French sense of representations to Bourguiba contained preceding paragraph. French should realize that whether they decide to supply arms or not, U.S. must make arms available to GOT as result commitments already given. Only conditions under which U.S. could withdraw from supply at this point would be as result indication from Bourguiba that GOT and GOF had reached completely satisfactory agreement which renders unnecessary Tunisian purchase of any arms from U.S.

For Tripoli:

Withhold all action re shipping arrangements until further instructed. Meanwhile take every possible precaution preclude any leak these arrangements through Libyan Government sources.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 772.56/11–957. Secret; Niact. Drafted by Porter. Also sent to Paris, London, and Tripoli.
  2. Pineau summoned Ambassador Houghton and the British Minister separately on the morning of November 6 to protest the early delivery date of arms to Tunisia. He hoped that the United States would be willing to seek Bourguiba’s agreement to postpone receipt of the arms for a few days to give the French Government the opportunity to act. (Telegram 2313 from Paris, November 6; ibid., 772.56/11–657) Ambassador Alphand conveyed a similar message to Murphy and Looram on November 8. (Memorandum of conversation by Looram, November 8; ibid., 772.56/11–857)