204. Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs (Elbrick) and the Special Assistant to the Secretary of State for Atomic Energy Affairs (Smith) to the Secretary of State1
- Designation of EURATOM Wise Men and Visit to United States2
Capitalizing upon the favorable atmosphere created by the November 6 Mollet–Adenauer meeting3—which resolved the remaining major issues—the Brussels group now expects to complete the Euratom treaty by January 4, which would make possible signature by mid-January. The European supporters of Euratom, especially Monnet, are convinced that the treaty must be ratified quickly; by early summer at the latest. A report on the current status of the project is attached (Tab B). In addition to this sense of political urgency, Monnet and others realize that it is important that technical goals for Euratom be established at an early date. These goals must be related to two fundamental factors; first, the long-range energy crisis of Europe which is now being dramatically demonstrated by the current oil shortage and, second, by an imaginative but realistic assessment of the contribution that nuclear power can make in meeting the long range crisis.
This important task of defining the broad technical purpose of Euratom has been given to a competent and politically important group of Wise Men—Messrs. Etzel, Armand and Giordani. They begin their work on December 3, and are scheduled to finish in 60 days. Ambassador Dillon proposes, rather than await a request from the group to be invited to visit the U.S., that we take the initiative in issuing an invitation (Tab C).4 The presence of this group in the U.S. would permit a thorough exploration of prospects for Euratom and a systematic appraisal of the most mutually profitable U.S. collaboration with the Community. While the announced purpose of the Wise [Page 492] Men is to set production targets, identify the quickest feasible rate at which nuclear power station can be installed and the common budget and common installations requires, it is clear that an equally important objective is to keep up and stimulate further political interest in Euratom.
To issue the invitation would be timely reaffirmation of the sympathetic support the President and you have shown toward Euratom. Bearing in mind that Euratom covers a substantive field uncontaminated by the Middle East situation, a forthcoming invitation to the group could have important beneficial effects on the current relations between the United States and Western Europe.
That you sign the attached telegram to Brussels (Tab A).5
- Source: Department of State, Atomic Energy Files: Lot 57 D 688, Atomic Energy—General. Confidential. Sent through Under Secretary Hoover and initialed by him. Also concurred in and initialed by Murphy, MacArthur, Strauss, Bowie, and Timmons.↩
- In late October, the Intergovernmental Conference for the Common Market and Euratom authorized the appointment of a committee of three “wise men” to develop production goals in the atomic energy field for Euratom, a timetable showing the quickest possible pace at which atomic energy plants could be installed, and list of the resources needed to achieve the goal. The “wise men” were Franz Etzel, Louis Armand, and Francesco Giordani.↩
- See Document 198.↩
- Not attached to the source text; the reference is probably to telegram 2661 from Paris, November 29. (Department of State, Central Files, 840.1901/11–2956)↩
Dulles approved the attached telegram, asking Ambassador Alger to approach Spaak with the suggestion of an invitation to the “wise men” to visit the United States. (Telegram 730 to Brussels, December 7; ibid., 840.1901/12–756)
Alger responded in telegram 641 from Brussels, December 8, which reads in part as follows:
“I approached Spaak late today along lines reference telegram regarding question visit EURATOM Wisemen to US. He warmly welcomes idea and thinks initiative should come from US. He concurs text proposed letter and pursuant his request I am forwarding to Foreign Office Monday morning text this letter from Secretary to Spaak. Foreign Office will send letter to Spaak in Paris where he will present to meeting of EURATOM group and Wisemen December 13 US proposal for visit. Spaak says Wisemen were already planning go US in January and only problem is exact date.
“Spaak approves concurrent release Washington and Brussels and will get in touch with me after meeting in Paris in order coordinate timing to release.” (Ibid., 840.1901/12–856)
↩ - Confidential. Drafted by Schaetzel.↩
Etzel, Vice President of the High Authority of the European Coal and Steel Community, who is often looked upon as a possible successor to Adenauer;
Armand, head of French Railways, a strong “European” whose views carry great weight with the French Assembly;
Giordani, former head of Italian atomic energy commission and prominent Italian scientist. [Footnote in the source text.]