178. Telegram From the Secretary of State to the Embassy in France1

4778. 1. New or amended bilateral atomic energy agreements expected to be signed within next week or two with France, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, Australia, Canada and possibly others.

2. Dept realizes almost simultaneous announcement these bilateral arrangements may lead to misinterpretations purpose bilateral program and could have unfavorable impact on forthcoming EURATOM negotiations. You should therefore in your discretion inform governments these expected developments, remind them of approaches made pursuant Deptel 2797 March 302 to Bonn (sent Brussels [Page 448] 1133, Hague 1631, Paris 3628, Luxembourg 152, Rome 3170) and reiterate explanation relationship bilaterals to EURATOM contained reftel. You should also as necessary reaffirm US policy EURATOM set forth Deptel 1390 to Brussels May 243 (sent Paris 4387, Bonn 3368, Rome 3779, Luxco 18, Hague 1984). Should be explained to Govts that flurry of activity at this particular time occasioned by probable adjournment of Congress in July, and statutory requirement that signed agreements must lie before Congressional committee 30 days while in session before becoming effective. Other govts realize delay now would likely postpone effective date until next year.

3. For Brussels: In view particular problem posed by fact Swiss and Dutch agreements more generous in certain respects than present Belgian arrangements, Dept also calling in Belgian Ambassador to make above approach and also reiterate assurance our previously-expressed willingness give Belgians most-favored-nation treatment.4

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.0097/6–1456. Confidential. Drafted by Cleveland and Halvor O. Ekern of S/AE; approved by Murphy. Also sent to Brussels, Bonn, The Hague, Rome, and Luxembourg (for the Embassy and the CSC Mission) and repeated for information to London; passed to USRO.
  2. Document 164.
  3. Document 173.
  4. In telegram 1233 from Brussels, June 21, Ambassador Alger reported that he conveyed the substance of this message to Spaak the previous day. Spaak was concerned, Alger observed, about “US Government including certain of these bilaterals on eve Brussels treaty negotiations next week as he considers it damaging EURATOM. I believe he is chiefly disturbed by French agreement, which he fears will be utilized by anti-EURATOM elements France for their ends.” He further noted that “in Spaak’s view real damage comes from psychological effect conclusion these bilaterals at this time, regardless their actual importance, on Europeans who may find increased reasons for doubts desirability European integration.” (Department of State, Central Files, 611.0097/6–2156)