396.1 GE/7–1854: Telegram

The United States Delegation to the Department of State


Secto 646. Repeated information Paris 88, Saigon 57. Tosec 558 repeated information Paris 222, Saigon 217.1 The term elections as used in French draft declaration is assumed to involve nation-wide elections resulting from agreement between representative authorities of two zones that conditions were adequate for such elections. Current controversy with Communists centers around date for such nationwide elections.

So far as we know, French troops would not be withdrawn except at request of governments concerned although French are making no commitments re number of troops which military situation might [Page 1438] require be maintained. This would presumably be subject of further negotiation within French Union.

USDel does not believe Cambodians were left by Bonsal with impression we would discuss Cambodian security only if and when satisfactory cease-fire was achieved throughout Indochina. USDel will however bear this point in mind.

  1. Dated July 17, p. 1403.