396.1 GE/7–1654: Telegram
The United States
Delegation to the Department of
Geneva, July 16, 1954—4
Secto 622. Repeated information
Paris 70, Saigon 42. Following is unofficial translation of draft
given us by French which is latest refinement of text of clauses to
be included in cessation hostilities agreement to cover certain
political and administrative requirements:
- “Article 1. Each regrouping zone is placed under the
administration of the side which is carrying out the
regroupment of its forces within it.
- “Article 2. The administration of the zones which
cease to come under one authority in order to pass to
the authority of another is transferred on the day the
regroupment is finished. The passing of responsibilities
is carried out in conformity with the provision of
article (blank) (military on the passing of
- “Article 3. Vietnamese Nationals as well as French and
foreigners residing in any part of the territory of
Vietnam will be able, during a period of six months
following the going into effect of this agreement, to
transfer freely their domicile to any other part of the
territory. The competent authorities of the two sides
will take all necessary measures in order to facilitate
the transfer of persons and property.
- “Article 4. No one will be the object of measures of
reprisal because of his previous political activities in
favor of one of the sides.
- “Article 5. The security of French and foreign
Nationals as well as the safety of their property will
be assured throughout the territory of Vietnam by the
responsible authorities who must take all necessary
measures to this effect. No legislative, administrative
or judicial measure may be taken against these persons
and their property in an arbitrary or discriminatory