751G.00/6–1954: Telegram

The United States Delegation to the Department of Defense


Army Message Gento 62. To Department of State and OSD for action, repeated information USARMA Paris, USARMA Saigon, USARMA London. For Hensel from Sullivan Defense. Following is summary French-Vietnam military talks with Viet Minh 17 June reported to Defense representative by member French delegation:

Both sides reached agreement on draft summary of discussions to date. No decision yet when or if summary will be presented to delegates.
Discussions continued on areas over which each side claims controls.
French delegate contact said talks “marking time” with French-Vietnam side awaiting instructions in light change in governments both countries.
Viet Minh in Indochina have not contacted French liaison officer re military talks in field. French delegate representatives now believe Viet Minh hoped to trap French into making public a unilateral request for armistice talks in field thus making French appear to be supplicants, but since that propaganda gambit failed Viet Minh now less anxious to make contact.
In view preoccupation to date military committee with delineation of areas controlled by opposing forces, Defense representative queried French representative whether decision by French to suspend transfer of southern zone Delta to Vietnamese (OARMA Saigon MC 275–54) was designed to minimize Viet Minh claim thereto. French delegate contact not aware of change in plan, but insisted that areas Viet Minh claim to control do not appear related to areas where Vietnamese as distinguished from French colonial units are located.