396.1 GE/5–2854: Telegram
The United States Delegation to the Department of State
Secto 335. Repeated information Paris 352. Department pass Usun 3. Following yesterday’s discussion between Lodge, Dixon and Hoppenot on Thai appeal,1 French express increased worries over (1) [Page 969] Pandora’s box possibilities and (2) possible coincidence of introduction of appeal in Security Council with some favorable development here such as opening of talks between representatives of commanders in chief. Nevertheless, we are told Bidault has today instructed Hoppenot that (1) French Government is committed in principle to supporting introduction of appeal and (2) that recommendations as to most appropriate and least embarrassing timing should be made ad referendum by him, Lodge and Dixon.
Henry Cabot Lodge, Henri Hoppenot, and Sir Pierson Dixon, Permanent Representatives of the United States, France, and the United Kingdom, respectively, to the United Nations, met in New York City on May 27 to discuss the matter of proceeding in the U.N. Security Council on the Thai appeal. Lodge reported to the Department of State in telegram 777 from New York, May 27, that the British and French Representatives were “reluctant to go along with the proposed Thai initiative” and that they were “concerned about the timing of discussions here in relation to the discussions in Geneva.” Lodge said he “felt discussions here would be helpful” and recommended that since the United States had encouraged Thailand for a second time to make an appeal, “we ought to inform Khoman that he proceed with the letter asking for a SC meeting.” (751G.00/5–2754)
The three Permanent Representatives met again on May 28 to discuss the text of the Thai appeal. They agreed that some modifications should be made to the text but they disagreed again on the timing for submission of the appeal. Hoppenot and Dixon felt submission should be delayed; Lodge said the appeal should be submitted on May 29. After consultation with the Department of State, Lodge informed Dixon and Hoppenot that Secretary of State Dulles wanted the appeal to be filed as soon as possible; the Secretary indicated to Lodge that in order to meet the French and British views on timing it would not seem essential for the Security Council to meet right away. The French and British accepted the U.S. views. For the text of the memorandum of conversation between Lodge, Dixon, and Hoppenot, May 28, see volume xiii.
The Government of Thailand submitted its appeal in the form of a letter to the U.N. Security Council on May 29, drawing the Security Council’s attention to the Indochina situation, which Thailand contended threatened Thai security, and requesting that the Security Council provide observation of this situation under the auspices of the U.N. Peace Observation Commission. The letter of appeal was circulated as U.N. doc. S/3220.