110.11 DU/5–2854: Telegram

The United States Delegation to the Department of State


Dulte 131. For the Secretary from the Under Secretary. Limit distribution. If we succeed obtaining agreement on beginning military staff talks on Indochina, we will shortly thereafter be facing up to question of supervisory organization. What would you think of asking Colombo Conference countries (Pakistan, India, Burma, Ceylon and Indonesia) to undertake role, they to invite participation of European neutral which I would assume would be Norway?

It seems to me this would have certain definite advantages. It would place responsibility on Asians for “policing their own back yard”, the participation of a European state being justified by European interest in Indochina. It would be difficult for India to refuse association with Pakistan if placed in this context, and such association might contribute to reduction tension between the two. Indian and Pakistan Armies should be able to get along in such a role, they having common traditions and training under UK.

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Whatever countries are invited, necessary they be able supply considerable numbers of troops which will be required. I would think it would take strength of about two divisions and in Asia only India and Pakistan will be able qualify.
