396.1 GE/5–2854: Telegram
Smith–Eden Meeting, Geneva, May 28, Morning: The United States Delegation to the Department of State
Secto 328. Department pass USUN New York 2. Reference Tosec 271.1 In conversation this morning I showed Eden copy Tosec 271. Eden said report had just been received of meeting between Dixon, Hoppenot and Lodge. Eden particularly referred to Hoppenot’s suggestion that Security Council might put Thai appeal on its agenda but postpone debate until Geneva Conference was over. Eden stated he was informing Dixon that he thought this was not a bad suggestion and was well worth further consideration.
With reference last sentence paragraph 2B, Tosec 271, Eden stated he understood our view was Associated States would keep out of matter entirely until POC established when Cambodia and Laos might invite POC extend observation their areas. I confirmed this was strong view of USDel here, and we would so recommend to Department.
Eden stated he was seeing Krishna Menon again tomorrow morning and would discuss with him question Indian role on POC. I told Eden [Page 955] in conversation I had with Menon last night he had initially taken strong position against Indian participation, but at end had softened his attitude.
Eden said UK was not so sanguine of two-thirds majority in GA at present moment, being particularly doubtful attitude Arab bloc which in addition to traditional attitudes toward “French colonialism” might wish to repay USSR for its veto on Palestine case.