Conference files, lot 60 D 627, CF 250: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Delegation1


Tosec 271. Our comments on questions raised by Eden Dulte 112.2

Thai should raise matter first in SC through letter to SC president along lines given in Tosec 228, Usun 5743 with Wan’s modification given in Secto 293 passed USUN.4 Possible title of item: “Request of the Government of Thailand for UN observations.” In event of veto matter should go to GA. Reasons for our strong preference for GA over interim committee given in Tosec 231, repeated [Page 942] Usun 577 and termed persuasive in Usun 759 [579].5 Three alternative methods of convening GA discussed in working paper sent Ross May 20. We lean toward emergency session under “uniting for peace” resolution since under rule 10 of GA rules it would be most difficult add other items (i.e., Korea, Morocco) to agenda.

(A) We believe Chinese representation problem must be dealt with in SC and GA under moratorium agreement that is, any proposals to be ruled out of order or deferred.

(B) Expect Thailand only to be invited to SC table. Would hope associated states would not request participation in SC. However, they could express support for Thai move in written communication to SC.


(A) Terms draft resolution given in Secto [Tosec] 229, repeated Usun 575.6 When POC subcommission established Thailand would and associated states could request observation.

(B) Subcommission membership of India, New Zealand, Pakistan, Sweden, Uruguay satisfactory and we hope feasible. Key question will be India’s willingness serve. Hope UK will strongly urge Indians to agree serve.

Would expect nine votes in SC and more than necessary twothirds majority in GA.
We would hope to control debate in GA through strenuous advance consultation to discourage submission any other agenda item and to support presiding officers in focusing discussion.
6, 7, 8.

Agree with Smith’s comments.

Our purpose at this time is limited to obtaining in smoothest and quickest way, establishment of UN observation. Statements in SC should therefore stress incontestable existence of international tension and need for ascertaining facts and should as far as possible avoid detailed accounts of military and political situation.

  1. Sent to New York as telegram 593.
  2. Dated May 25, p. 928.
  3. Dated May 21, p. 875.
  4. May 25, not printed. (396.1 GE/5–2554)
  5. Usun 577 dated May 21, p. 882; Usun 579 not printed.
  6. Dated May 21, p. 876.