396.1 GE/5–2554
Memorandum by the Special Adviser to the United
States Delegation (Heath) to the Head of the Delegation (Smith)1
[Geneva,] May 25, 1954.
There was a meeting of the Six this morning.
- 1)
- Ambassador Chauvel
suggested that the program for this afternoon should be
continued discussion of the seven questions on which Bidault and Dong gave their views
yesterday. He hoped that the discussion could be point by point,
making clear however that what was involved was agreement on all
seven. We expressed general agreement.
- 2)
- Chauvel made clear that
the French would most strongly resist Molotov’s proposal to pass on
to political questions at this time. He asked for support from
other delegations. We expressed general agreement.
- 3)
- Dennis Allen, on
instructions from Eden
tabled two proposals (attached)2 dealing with respectively
cessation of hostilities and international supervision.
Eden’s purpose is to
secure on these points agreement on certain principles and on
certain immediate action. In this way he hopes to cut ground out
from under Molotov by
showing real progress being made on military questions and hence
no reason to pass on to political problems at this time. All of
the other delegations reserved their position on the Allen papers although the
possibility of a meeting in Geneva of representatives of the two
commands in order to work out regrouping arrangements for
Viet-Nam alone seemed generally acceptable.
- 4)
- Allen took position
Dong’s proposal
yesterday indicated Vietminh acceptance of principle Viet-Nam to
be treated separately from Cambodia and Laos. This argument was
not convincing to Cambodian and Laotian representatives who
continue to insist on both separation and priority for their
relatively simple problems.
Attached is a draft statement3 for your use today which covers the first four
of the seven French questions: cessation of hostilities, regular
troops, irregular troops and the supervisory authority.
[Page 917]
[Attachment 1—Draft]
Talking Paper for May 25 Indochina Session
on “Cessation of Hostilities”4
- 1.
- We agreed yesterday that this afternoon we would talk
about cessation of hostilities in Vietnam. I believe that we
can achieve a cessation of hostilities in Vietnam if
agreement can be reached on four points:
- a.
- Withdrawal of Vietminh forces from Laos and
- b.
- Withdrawal into specified areas of regular forces
in Vietnam.
- c.
- Disarmament and disbanding of irregular
- d.
- Establishment of adequate safeguards and creation
of an international supervisory commission whose
composition and terms of reference would permit it
to function effectively.
- 2.
- On the first point I will merely repeat again what has
been said so many times. Hostilities in Laos and Cambodia
can be stopped by arranging for the withdrawal from those
two countries of the invading Vietminh forces. I hope this
arrangement can be made immediately.
- 3.
- On the second point Mr. Bidault has made a proposal for assembling
all regular units in assembly areas. If such a regrouping
were based on the assumption that this is a preliminary step
to provide for the unification of all Vietnam under its
recognized government, I would support Mr. Bidault’s proposal. If on
the other hand, these concentrations, in our judgment,
appeared to be a preliminary to the partition of Vietnam,
the United States could not associate itself with such a
proposal. I will thus have to examine specific proposals
which may be advanced before my delegation can take a
definitive position on this question.
- 4.
- With reference to the third point the United States
believes that agreements for the cessation of hostilities
should include provisions for the disarmament of all
irregular forces. From the statements made yesterday it
appears that there is a general consensus on this
- 5.
Finally it seems to us of the utmost importance that
there should be effective safeguards to provide for the
security of armed forces and the civil populations and
to ensure against abuses of the ceasefire by either
party. The United States maintains these safeguards must
be exercised under competent international supervision
and that the competent authority is the United Nations.
To be effective it seems
[Page 918]
clear to me that adequate UN control machinery must be
in place and ready to function before there is an actual
If progress here indicates that an effective agreement
for the cessation of hostilities may be realizable in
the near future, we should take up with corresponding
urgency the establishment of adequate control
Representatives of the control commission must have
guarantees of unrestricted movement in and free access
to all parts of the area in which peace is restored.
Such a commission would also have to have sufficient
personnel and logistic support to be able to discharge
its responsibilities.
- 6.
- If we could reach agreement here on the four points I have
outlined it would be possible to put an end to the fighting
in Indochina.
[Attachment 2]
British Proposal Made at Meeting of Six
Delegations May 25 But Not Accepted by Other
cessation of
A. Agreed Principles.
- 1.
- To take place simultaneously throughout all three States
as soon as the necessary military agreements are
- 2.
- To be effective for all armed forces of both sides.
- 3.
- To take effect by means of:
- (a)
- immediate standstill of all forces;
- (b)
- immediate subsequent regrouping of forces into
areas determined by prior agreement; and
- (c)
- unhindered passage for the purposes of (b) of forces of one party
through areas allotted to the other.
B. Immediate Action.
- 1.
- The areas in 3(b) above to be
worked out for Vietnam.
- 2.
- Representatives of the two commands to meet in Geneva for
this purpose.
- 3.
- These representatives to report their findings and
recommendations to the Conference as soon as
- 4.
- The Conference meanwhile to proceed with examination of
other military matters, beginning with arrangements for
international supervision.
[Page 919]
[Attachment 3]
British Proposal Made at Meeting of Six
Delegations May 25 But Not Accepted by Other
A. General Principles
- 1.
- Commissions shall be set up in each of the three
- 2.
- These shall be composed of representatives of neutral
countries not members of the present Conference to be chosen
by agreement at the Conference.
- 3.
- In Vietnam mixed groups consisting of representatives of
the two Commands shall also be set up to function under the
authority of the Neutral Commission.
B. Immediate Action
- 1.
- Representatives of the two Commands, meeting in Geneva, to
prepare plans for the constitution and operation of the
proposed mixed groups in Vietnam.
- 2.
- The Conference to examine the constitution and membership
of the proposed Neutral Commissions.