396.1 GE/5–1354: Telegram
The United States Delegation to the Department of State
Secto 201. Repeated information Paris 257, Saigon 66, London 161. Department pass Defense. Re Secto 183, May 12.1 My answer to Eden’s [Page 794] questions 1 and 3 will be that if the concentration of all regular troops in determined areas is a preliminary step to provide for the unification of all Vietnam under its recognized government, then my answer is yes. If these concentrations are a preliminary to the partition of Vietnam we could not associate ourselves with this proposal. Since our final decision is dependent upon the ultimate results of these concentrations, we must reserve our reply. With regard to question 4, I will say that we agree that all irregulars shall be disarmed, but this must be accomplished under competent international authority and supervision. That competent authority is the United Nations.
As for question 5, I will state that we are in favor of competent international supervision. The only competent organization capable of exercising such supervision is the United Nations.
Regarding question 2, I will heartily agree that Laos and Cambodia are in a special category and urge priority consideration of a settlement for these two states on the grounds that we should be able to move forward rapidly on the relatively simple questions involved in bringing hostilities to an end in Laos and Cambodia.