396.1 GB/5–854: Telegram
The United States Delegation to the Department of State
Secto 143. Repeated information niact Paris 222, niact Saigon 41. Following is informal translation of proposal French will table at opening plenary session Indochina phase today:1
- I.
- Vietnam.
- (1)
- Grouping of the regular units of both parties in delimited zones to be determined by the conference.
- (2)
- Disarmament of other combatants with exception of police forces which are recognized as necessary for maintenance of order.
- (3)
- Immediate freeing of prisoners of war and civilian internees.
- (4)
- Control of the carrying out of these clauses by International Commissions.
- (5)
Cessation of hostilities immediate upon signature of the agreement.
The regrouping of troops and the disarmament measures called for above will begin at the latest X days after the signature of the agreement.
- II.
- Cambodia and Laos.
- (1)
- Evacuation of all regular and irregular forces of the Viet Minh which have invaded the country.
- (2)
- Disarmament by governmental authorities of elements which belong neither to the Army nor to the forces charged with maintenance of order.
- (3)
- Control of the carrying out of these clauses by International Commissions.
- III.
- The guarantee of the agreements is assured by the member states of the Geneva conference. Any violation will call for immediate consultation among them with a view to taking individually or collectively appropriate measures.
In telegram Secto 152, May 8, the U.S. Delegation informed the Department of State that the French proposal as tabled at the plenary session contained the following modifications from text sent in telegram Secto 143:
“In section I, paragraph 1: ‘All regular units to be assembled in assembly areas to be defined by the conference on the basis of proposals by the commanders-inchief.’
- “Section I, paragraph 2: ‘All elements not belonging either to the army or to the police forces to be disarmed.’
- “Section II, paragraph 2: ‘All elements which do not belong either to the army or to the police forces to be disarmed.’
- “Section II, paragraph 3 becomes paragraph 4. Paragraph 3 now reads: ‘All prisoners of war and civil internees to be released immediately.’” (396.1 GE/5–854)