396.1 GE/4–854

Memorandum of Conversation, by John I. Getz of the Office of Philippine and Southeast Asian Affairs



  • Participation in the Indochina Phase of the Geneva Conference


  • Nong Kimny, Ambassador of Cambodia
  • Tran Van Kha, Ambassador of Viet-Nam
  • Ourot Sovannavong, Minister of Laos
  • FE—Mr. Drumright
  • PSA—Mr. Getz

The representatives of the Associated States remained to talk with Mr. Drumright following the meeting in which they were informed, along with the Ambassador of Thailand and the Counselor of the Philippine Embassy, of the Secretary’s departure for London and Paris.1

The Cambodian Ambassador took the initiative in expressing his great distress that the Associated States had not yet been invited to participate in the Geneva Conference, and pointed out that only eighteen days remained before the Conference opened. For his part, [Page 507] he stated, he could say that it was Cambodia’s firm desire to participate as a full member and not as an observer which would have unfavorable repercussions on the people of his country.

Mr. Drumright replied that two considerations were involved. In the first place, France was expected to take the initiative in this question, and we had as yet heard little from the French. It was possible that this would be discussed in Paris next week. Secondly, it appears that the question of participation can be decided finally only by the four Berlin powers in meeting together, and this would probably not occur before the actual opening of the Conference. The Ambassador acknowledged this explanation, but gave the strong impression that he was not satisfied. He referred to the Berlin communiqué and its reference to the participation of “interested states” in the Indochina talks at Geneva; he asked if any states could be more interested than Cambodia, Laos, and Viet-Nam.

The Ambassador of Viet-Nam and the Minister of Laos volunteered nothing, but confirmed to Mr. Drumright that their Governments had not made known their position on the subject of participation in the Conference.

  1. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs Drumright called in the representatives of Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, and the Philippines at 12:30 p.m. to inform them that Secretary Dulles expected to leave on Apr. 10 for conversations in London and Paris “to explore further the question of united action and the steps which might be taken to assure the defense of Southeast Asia against Communism.” Memorandum of conversation by Getz of PSA, Apr. 8, not printed. (396.1 GE/4–854)