396.1–GE/3–2454: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Korea


756. Your 930 and 931.1 Letter from Pyun partly garbled transmission especially first paragraph beginning “in which case by way I shall have pleasure of letting you know of it through …”2 However to prevent delay answer please see Rhee and Pyun together taking also Secretary’s letter March 17 (our 739) and President’s letter March 20 (our 748) since we are not sure Rhee has seen Secretary’s letter to Pyun. Inform them behalf Secretary along following lines:

Secretary’s and President’s letters provide best US answers to and positions on various substantive questions raised by Rhee and Pyun in their letters and in reported press interviews. (If it becomes apparent Rhee is unfamiliar Secretary’s letter you may find useful opportunity go over it with him in detail.) We understand and sympathize with ROK concern but believe assurances and answers we have given in our communications make it clear nature, organization and procedures conference will protect ROK interests especially so long as US and ROK work in close concert.

Re consultations we appreciate Pyun’s suggestion but do not believe useful purpose would be served by commencing substantive discussions with ROK until ROK has determined attend conference. Re locale these consultations time and other factors make it impractical consult in Seoul. US positions being currently developed in Washington and chief US participants in conference are here. Also necessary consult with other participating Governments and this can best be done here especially since time factors preclude delays which would arise from long telegraphic exchanges. In August Secretary went Seoul consult with Rhee and Pyun on conference and it therefore appropriate as well as matter practical necessity for Pyun (or whoever is to be chief ROK representative and is able speak with authority for ROK) to come Washington for consultations now.

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Reemphasize desire consult first with ROK. However within next few days US must begin exchanging views with other allies. Therefore hope ROK representative can come Washington soonest. At minimum we shall try keep ROK informed through Embassy Seoul and we shall be glad to have any views ROK may wish to convey through same channel. But we believe give-and-take of face-to-face discussion is essential to development agreed and effective positions on substantive and procedural questions likely arise at conference.

  1. Ante, p. 49 and supra .
  2. The text of telegram 930 printed here is a corrected copy of the originally garbled text