396.1 GE/6–254: Telegram
Robertson–Wan Meeting, Geneva, June 2, Morning: The United States Delegation to the Department of State
Geneva, June 2, 1954—12
Secto 365. Repeated information Seoul 110, Tokyo 105. Tokyo for CINCUNC.
- 1.
- Re Prince Wan’s idea
of standing committee of seven after conference as reported in
the press, Robertson and
Young met with Prince
Wan this morning to
find out what his ideas really are. He said press stories were
entirely inaccurate and misleading. He had made no such proposal
and did not intend to. He is only “thinking” along following
- a.
- The 16 should meet decide on the next stages regarding Korean question;
- b.
- He believes there should then be one or more restricted meetings of committee of seven to determine whether further negotiations are possible; whether Communists will modify their repudiation of UN competence and authority; and in order convince world opinion we have “exhausted” every possibility for trying get agreement;
- c.
- He agrees 100 percent with Secretary’s views (Tedul 145 repeated information Seoul 970 and Tokyo 26581) on UN issue;
- d.
- If Communists reject UN authority in restricted sessions there will be no need for further meetings. He agreed with us there should be final plenary and conference should conclude on clear-cut issue of UN;
- e.
- If Communists by chance modify their position on UN it might be useful to have controversial details deferred to committee of seven possibly enlarged by Thailand, Australia and Philippines. Its existence would divert debate on Korea in special session eighth GA or in ninth. If conference breaks off, he is sure India will push for resumption Korean question in GA which he believes would be “bitter and futile”. If committee were set up along lines he envisages, he hopes that Korean question can stay out of GA until tenth session in fall 1955. He agreed to suggestion any such group of seven should be expanded to Asian countries participating in Geneva conference. We mentioned Thailand, Philippines and Australia. He said he had discussed his views fully in detail with Pyun and Yang yesterday afternoon and would do so again this evening at dinner. Pyun and Yang agreed to meeting of 16 and restricted session but opposed standing committee or referral Korean question back to UN.
- 2.
- Re ROK attitude Pyun and Yang came in to see General Smith Tuesday morning2 highly disturbed over Prince Wan’s idea as reported [Page 339] in press. Pyun said his delegation would oppose it since in his opinion such committee would serve no useful purpose, and fit into Communist plans to prolong talking on Korea indefinitely, and since his government had assumed there would be no more discussion or negotiation on Korea question after conclusion Korean conference. He also said he opposed referring Korean question to UN. Clear from his remarks he wants Korean conference terminate completely, although he pointed out he is without current instructions these matters. General Smith told him we had no foreknowledge Prince Wan’s disclosure to press of his idea and informally discussed matter with Pyun along lines paragraph 3 below. Stressed to Pyun great importance most careful planning and closest cooperation between US and ROK regarding final phase Korean conference. He concurred. Smith also stressed importance ROK help wind up conference in helpful way in order conserve good-will and support ROK delegation has created among other 14 who came Geneva sure ROK would be completely intransigent and difficult. Also mentioned to him possibility closed session on Korea to put question to Communists whether or not they will accept UN authority, with final plenary to follow for closing statements on clear issue of UN. Pyun and Yang responded favorably to this suggestion.
- 3.
- Much appreciate Tedul 145 and Tosec 321.3 Have proposed to UK, French, Canadian, Australian, Thai, Netherlands and Colombian delegations (1) UN issue must be clear final position, (they agree and are much impressed with Tedul 145) (2) Meeting of 16 on Friday (3) No objection to restricted meeting of committee of seven next week if other Allied delegations desire it, (4) Final plenary on UN issue if Communists intransigent and (5) Some form of report to UN by 15 UN members here. Representatives these delegations concurred. Commonwealth, Thailand (and possibly Netherlands and Belgium) favor at least one restricted session.