Editorial Note

In telegram Dulte 92, May 20, 6 p.m., from Geneva, Smith transmitted to Secretary Dulles for his eyes only an appraisal of the duration of the Geneva Conference. Most of the message dealt with Indochina; for the complete text, see page 864. The following extract, however, dealt with Korea:

“On Korea there is nothing whatever to be expected from them [the Communists]. Dean’s latest message indicates that it will be impossible to produce proposals agreed to by all 16. Best we can hope to do is avoid open opposition by our side when Pyun produces his 14 points. Others of the 16 will possibly then present proposals of their own or speak in support of Eden’s points. We will continue, and try to induce others to continue, to hammer as hard as possible on repudiation by all Communist delegations of authority and moral force of United Nations. World public opinion seems becoming conditioned to negative results. Unless something unexpected happens the Korea phase will drag along with an occasional plenary session while Indochina discussions go on.” (396.1 GE/5–2054)