396.1 GE/7–2254: Telegram

The United States Delegation to the Department of State


Secto 725. Repeated information London 32, USUN New York 1. Caccia, UK delegate, said he wished inform Department that Prince Wan had agreed with him early in July that, if an armistice agreement was reached in Geneva, Thai appeal would not be pressed for hearing at a special session of the assembly but would wait for the next regular session which convenes in September.

Caccia said UK agreed with this view and now that an agreement had been reached in Geneva, was advising Dixon in New York of UK view and asking he meet Ambassador Lodge and Hoppenot, French delegate, to discuss matter, and with their agreement, take matter up with Wan. It is further UK view that when next regular session of the assembly convenes that matter should then be reviewed in light of conditions as it would appear at that time. If Geneva settlement is working well, then Thai appeal should not be presented but held in further abeyance.
