396.1 GE/7–2054: Telegram

The United States Delegation to the Department of State


Secto 695. Following are texts of two declarations to be issued by Government of Cambodia. These texts have been agreed between French and Viet Minh and are currently being discussed with Cambodians:

The first declaration reads:

Declaration of Royal Government of Cambodia

(Reference: Article 3 of the final declarations1)

The Royal Government of Cambodia:

Anxious to assure the harmony and unanimity of the populations of the Kingdom, declares it is resolved to take the necessary measures in order to integrate all citizens without any discrimination in the national community and to guarantee to them the enjoyment of the rights and liberties provided for in the constitution of the Kingdom.

Makes clear that all Cambodian citizens will be able to participate freely as voters and as candidates in general elections with secret ballot.”

The second declaration reads:

Declaration to be made by Cambodian Government

(Reference: Articles 4 and 5 of the final declaration)

The Royal Government of Cambodia is resolved never to take part in an aggressive policy and will never permit the territory of Cambodia to be used in the service of such a policy.

The Royal Government of Cambodia will never join in any agreement with other states, if this agreement involves for the Royal Government of Cambodia the obligation to enter into a military alliance which is not in conformity with the principles of the Charter of the United Nations, or with the principles of the agreement on the cessation of hostilities or to establish bases for the military forces of foreign powers on Cambodian territory.

The Royal Government of Cambodia is resolved to settle its international differences by pacific means in such a way that peace and international security as well as justice will not be endangered.

During the period between the date of cessation of hostilities in Vietnam and that of the definitive settlement of the political problems in that country, the Royal Government of Cambodia will not request foreign assistance in material, in personnel or in instructors other than in the interest of the defense of the country and within the limits fixed in the agreement on the cessation of hostilities.”

  1. For text of the draft final declaration (or act), see telegrams Secto 684 and Secto 690, July 20, pp. 1474 and 1480, respectively.