396.1 GE/7–2054: Telegram

The United States Delegation to the Department of State


Secto 693. Following is unofficial translation of declaration to be made by Government of Laos which has been agreed to by all parties (reference: Article 3 of the final declaration1):

“The Royal Government of Laos,

“Anxious to insure the harmony and the unanimity of the populations of the Kingdom,

“Declares itself resolved to take the necessary dispositions in order to integrate all citizens without any discrimination into the national community and to guarantee to them the enjoyment of the rights and liberties provided for by the Constitution of the Kingdom.

[Page 1483]

“Makes clear that all Laotian citizens will be able to participate freely as voters and as candidates in the general elections with secret ballot.

“Indicates additionally that it will promulgate the appropriate measures to organize in the provinces of Phong Saly and Sam Neua, during the period from the cessation of hostilities to the general elections, a special representation attached to the Royal administration of these provinces, for the benefit of the Lao Nationals who were not on the side of the Royal forces during the hostilities”.

  1. For text of the draft final declaration (or act), see telegrams Secto 684 and Secto 690, July 20, pp. 1474 and 1480, respectively.