320.2 AA/7–2351: Telegram

The Chargé in Lebanon (Bruins) to the Department of State 1


68. Rapun 190. From Bergus. Summary Blandford conversations as reported AdCom July 21:

1. Saw Syrian Prime Min eighteenth. Prime Min opened by stressing importance preservation right to repatriation and compensation. Blandford expressed hope formula cooperation might be found which wld implement Feb Arab league decision without raising political questions. Prime Min asked reintegration program be kept separate general economic development because: (a) Syria does not want reap econ benefit from refugees; (b) for political reasons Syria prefers keep econ development for own citizens: (c) benefits econ development program wld come too slowly alleviate refugees’ present plight. Blandford said programs need not be linked. Prime Min at first did not accept Blandford view refugee program needs broad discussion and [Page 791] cooperation other Arab States. Prime Min said projects peculiar each country and multilateral approach unnecessary. Later indicated some agreement necessity broad approach. Prime Min said Syria willing study projects to reintegrate all refugees presently in country. (Estimated PRA pilot projects submitted two months ago too small for serious consideration.) Stated Syria prepared in principle accept refugees from elsewhere, e.g. Lebanon. Asked PRA not to restrict proposals to agriculture; many refugees had urban skills and needed opportunity industrial employment.

Comment: Seems regrettably obvious present Syrian Govt unprepared take firm steps in direction participation over-all program envisaging final solution refugee problem. Govt will probably continue stalking tactics. Syrian preoccupation “public opinion” demonstrated by later Prime Min statement to press reporting only Prime Min’s insistence on repatriation. Recent political assassinations will not make Syrian politicians any bolder. Return Qudsi govt to power might help but PRA will probably have to await full effect pressures other Arab States particularly Egypt.

2. Lebanese President on twentieth assured Blandford deep Lebanese interest and full support PRA program. Lebanon prepared approach problem in manner achieve total solution and to work with other Arab Govts this end. President happy PRA now more dynamic, stated it was “too conservative” in past. Stressed Lebanon’s inability absorb large number refugees but stated Leb wld ultimately accept “symbolic” number refugees of Lebanese origin. Agreed necessary relationship reintegration and general economic development.

  1. Repeated for information to Damascus.