List of sources
The principal source of documentation for this volume was the indexed central (decimal) files of the Department of State. Documents from the central files were supplemented by materials from Department of State “lot” files (retired decentralized office files) and post files (records retired by United States missions overseas). The editors also examined files of the Economic Cooperation Administration located in the Federal Records Center at Suitland, Maryland. Presidential papers in the Harry S. Truman Library at Independence, Missouri became available only after this volume had been compiled.
A list of lot files used in the preparation of this volume follows, with information concerning their origin, scope, and size.
CFM Files, Lot M 88
Consolidated master collection of the records of conferences of heads of state, Council of Foreign Ministers and ancillary bodies, North Atlantic Council, other meetings of the Secretary of State with the Foreign Ministers of European powers, and materials on the Austrian and German peace settlements for the years 1943–1955, prepared by the Records Service Center, Department of State. (249 feet)
Conference Files, Lot 59 D 95
Collection of documentation on official visits by European heads of government and foreign ministers to the United States and on major international conferences, including North Atlantic Council sessions, attended by the Secretary of State during the years 1949–1955, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat of the Department of State. (13 feet)
Daily TS Summary, Lot 52–242
Master set of the Department of State internal publication Daily Top Secret Summary for the years 1945–1951, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat. (4 feet)
ECA Telegram Files, FRC Acc. No. 53 A 278
Serial telegram files of incoming and outgoing Economic Cooperation Administration telegrams for the years 1948–1951, as maintained by the Administrative Services Division of ECA and subsequently retired by the Mutual Security Agency. These files, now administered by the Agency for International Development, are located in the Federal Records Center at Suitland, Maryland. (249 feet)
File of National Intelligence Estimates and Special Estimates retained by the Bureau of Intelligence and Research of the Department of State.
[Page XXXIV]IO Files
Master files of the Reference and Documents Section, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Department of State, comprising official United Nations documentation and classified Department of State records on United States policy in the United Nations Security Council, Trusteeship Council, Economic and Social Council, and various special and ad hoc committees for the period from 1946 to date. (More than 100 feet)
IO Files, Lot 71 D 440
Master file of classified records and correspondence of United States Delegations to sessions of the United Nations General Assembly for the years 1945–1965, as maintained by the Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Department of State. (48 feet)
ISAC Files, Lot 53 D 443
Files of the International Security Affairs Committee, Department of State, 1951. (2 feet)
McGhee Files, Lot 53 D 468
Copies of memoranda and correspondence of Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern, South Asian, and African Affairs George C. McGhee for the years 1949–1951.
NAC Files, Lot 60 D 137
Master file of documents of the National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Problems for the years 1945–1958, as maintained by the Bureau of Economic Affairs of the Department of State.
NE Files, Lot 57 D 177
Files of the Office of Near Eastern Affairs of the Department of State, 1928–1953, particularly concerning Arabian Peninsula and Iraq. (2 feet)
NE Files, Lot 58 D 332
Files of the Office of Near Eastern Affairs of the Department of State, 1949–1956, particularly concerning the Arabian Peninsula and Iraq. (2 feet)
PPS Files, Lot 64 D 563
Master file of documents, drafts, records of meetings, memoranda, and related correspondence of the Policy Planning Staff of the Department of State, covering the years 1947–1953. (42 feet)
S/ISA Files, Lot 52–26
Records of the Office of the Director, International Security Affairs, Department of State, covering the years 1949–1951; part of Accession No. 62 A 613 of the Federal Records Center at Suitland, Maryland.
S/P–NSC Files, Lot 61 D 167
Serial file of memoranda relating to National Security Council questions for the years 1950–1961, as maintained by the Policy Planning Staff of the Department of State. (17 feet)
[Page XXXV]S/P–NSC Files, Lot 62 D 1
Serial and subject master file of National Security Council documents and correspondence for the years 1948–1961, as maintained by the Policy Planning Staff of the Department of State. (43 feet)
S/S–NSC Files, Lot 63 D 351
Serial master file of National Security Council documents and correspondence, and related Department of State memoranda, for the years 1947–1961, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat of the Department of State. (20 feet)
S/S–NSC (Miscellaneous) Files, Lot 66 D 95
Administrative and miscellaneous National Security Council documentation, including NSC Records of Action, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat of the Department of State for the years 1947–1963. (9 feet)
Secretary’s Letters, Lot 56 D 459
Serial master file of correspondence of the Secretary of State for the years 1945–1956, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat. (3⅓ feet)
Secretary’s Memoranda, Lot 53 D 444
Comprehensive chronological collection of the Secretary of State’s memoranda and memoranda of conversation for the years 1947–1953, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat of the Department of State. (15 feet)
Secretary’s Memoranda of Conversation, Lot 65 D 238
Chronological collection of the Secretary of State’s memoranda of conversation with the President for the years 1949–1952, memoranda of the Secretary of State and Under Secretary of State for the years 1951–1952, and the Secretary of State’s memoranda of conversations with Senator Tom Connally of Texas for the years 1950–1951, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat of the Department of State. (1 feet)
State–JCS Meetings, Lot 61 D 417
Records of meetings between representatives of the Department of State and the Joint Chiefs of Staff for the period 1951–1959, and selected problem files on the Middle East for the period 1954–1956, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat of the Department of State. (3 feet)
Under Secretary’s Meetings, Lot 53 D 250
Master file of records of meetings, documents, summaries, and agenda of the Under Secretary’s meetings for the years 1949–1952, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat of the Department of State. (3 feet)
UNP Files, Lot 58 D 224
Miscellaneous subject files of the Office of United Nations Political and Security Affairs, Department of State, covering the years 1943–1956. (8 feet)
UNP Files, Lot 59 D 237
Subject files of the Office of United Nations Political and Security Affairs, Department of State, covering the years 1946–1957. (3 feet)