Interest of the United Stated in Iraq’s policy concerning cooperation with the West; the development of United States technical and military assistance to Iraq 1

1. For previous documentation, see Foreign Relations, 1950, vol. v, pp. 636 ff.

[266] The Ambassador in Iraq (Crocker) to the Department of State

787.00/1–2451: Despatch

[267] The Chargé in Iraq (Tenney) to the Department of State

787.00/2–1951: Despatch

[268] The Ambassador in Iraq (Crocker) to the Department of State

887.00 TA/7–751: Despatch

[270] The Ambassador in Iraq (Crocker) to the Department of State

887.2553/10–1151: Despatch

[272] The Ambassador in Iraq (Crocker) to the Department of State

887.00 TA/11–1051: Despatch