Principal Policies and problems in relations with Liberia 1
1. For previous documentation on these matters, see Foreign Relations, 1950, vol. v, pp. 1706 ff.
[713] Memorandum by the National Advisory Council Staff Committee to the National Advisory Council
[Washington,] January 15,
NAC Files: Lot 60 D 137: NAC Documents
[715] The Chargé in Liberia (Richardson) to the Department of State
Monrovia, January 25,
876.00 TA/1–2551: Despatch
[716] The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Liberia
Washington, January 31, 1951—6 p.m.
876.10/1–2751: Telegram
[717] The Chargé in Liberia (Richardson) to the Department of State
Monrovia, February 3, 1951—noon.
876.10/2–351: Telegram
[718] The Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern, South Asian, and African Affairs (McGhee) to the President of Liberia (Tubman)
[Washington,] February 7,
103 XMB/2–751
[719] The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Liberia
Washington, February 13, 1951—7 p. m.
876.00 TA/1–2551: Telegram
[720] The President of Liberia (Tubman) to the Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern, South Asian, and African Affairs (McGhee)
[Monrovia,] 14 February 1951.
110.15 MCG/2–1551
[721] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Acting Officer in Charge of West, Central, and East African Affairs (Sims)
[Washington,] March 1, 1951.
123 Dudley, Edward R.
[722] The Ambassador in Liberia (Dudley) to the Department of State
Monrovia, May 15, 1951.
[723] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Director of the Office of African Affairs (Bourgerie)
[Washington,] May 31, 1951.
[724] Memorandum by the National Advisory Council Staff Committee to the National Advisory Council
[Washington,] June 22, 1951.
NAC Files: Lot 60 D 137: NAC Documents
[726] The Assistant Secretary of State for United Nations Affairs (Hickerson) to Eleanor Roosevelt
[Washington,] August 9,
[727] The Ambassador in Liberia (Dudley) to the Department of State
Monrovia, September 18, 1951—10 a. m.
876.10/9–1851: Telegram
[728] The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Liberia
Washington, October 4, 1951—6:40 p. m.
876.10/9–1851: Telegram
[729] The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Liberia
[Washington,] October 18,
776.00/10–1851: Airgram
[730] The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Liberia
Washington, November 28, 1951—7:26 p. m.
776.5/11–2851: Telegram
[731] The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Liberia
Washington, December 29, 1951—5:20 p. m.
876.00 TA/12–2951: Telegram