320/12–1351: Telegram

The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State


Delga 645. Subject: SC election. Seven ballots taken this a. m., last ballot resulting 36 votes for Greece and 23 for Byelorussia. Pres GA then proposed that further balloting be postponed until next week, presumably Thursday. US del not in position object.1

During balloting today Greek strength steadily increased, from initial vote of Greece 28, Byelorussia 27. It is probable that if balloting had continued, Greece wld have picked up neces four votes. We think Greece may be elected in next few ballots and hope that Greece will not in next critical days show any tendency withdraw from race. For Dept’s info, we see this as contest strictly between Byelorussia and [Page 128] Greece and believe that there is no possibility at this stage, of any successful dark-horse candidate.

After conversations today, USDel will wire Dept our analysis last ballot today. For preliminary info, UKDel is coy about how it voted and we are not sure whether they in fact switched as we had understood they wld. Kyrou said UK informed him they voted for Greece. We understand Nor and Den have not yet switched, but were informed they intended do so next ballot when voting was adjourned.2

Sent Dept Delga 465, niact Athens 72, rptd info London 947.

  1. For the proceedings in the General Assembly, see GA (VI), Plenary, pp. 235 ff.
  2. In telegram Gadel 484, December 17, 6: 32 p. m. (repeated information Athens 2929), the Department responded that it concurred in the Delegation’s hope that Greece would not show any tendency to withdraw “at this time.” (320/12–1351)