Editorial Note
On January 11, 1951, the Board of Directors of the Export–Import Bank had authorized a credit of $1,503,000 to the National Railways of Colombia to finance the purchase of five Diesel electric locomotives and spare parts in the United States (821.10/1–1851). For further information, see Export–Import Bank of Washington. Twelfth Semiannual Report to Congress for the Period January–June 1951 (Washington, 1951), pages 11–12, 36.
On November 1, 1951, the Board of Directors of the Export-Import Bank established a line of credit up to $20,000,000 in favor of the Colombian Bank of the Republic or such commercial banks as it might designate to finance the purchase and shipment of raw cotton from the United States to Colombia (821.10/11–151). For further information of this loan, see Export–Import Bank of Washington, Thirteenth Semiannual Report to Congress for the Period July–December 1951 (Washington, 1952), pages 14, 36. For a Department of State notice concerning the loan, see Department of State Bulletin, November 19, 1951, page 828.