320/12–851: Telegram

The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State


Delga 567. Re: SC elections. Discussions with UK del subsequent to events reported Delga 559, December 7, emphasize importance of representations to highest levels London. UK del has frankly disclosed to Gross doubt whether UK del wld switch to Greece even if on first ballot on Thurs, December 13, Greece shows lead over Byelo.

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Maximum commitment obtainable from UK del here is that they wld “feel free to switch” in event Greece took lead. This obviously not commitment at all.

We are keeping Harriman closely advised and he feels just as strongly as does GADel that continuance of present UK position wld not only create friction and misunderstanding between US and UK people but wld make more difficult MSA program. Harriman feels and we agree that election Byelo to SC wld weaken free world posit vis-à-vis USSR and, therefore, it wld be against highest interests UK as well as ourselves to permit this to happen if it can be avoided. We believe Brit analysis of sitn is wrong and that course which they have been following on this matter does not constitute a constructive “approach” toward Sov Union, despite apparent Brit feeling that their support Byelo somehow brings UK and Sov Govt closer together.

We suggest US approach to London shld avoid “whip-cracking” and shld stress our sincere belief that we are right in principle and that higher common interests of both of us wld be served by supporting Greece.

Sent Dept niact Delga 567, rptd info London 905.
