IO Files

United States Delegation Plenary Position Paper


Treatment of People of Indian Origin in the Union of South Africa: Report of the Ad Hoc Political Committee (A/2046)

1. united states position

The United States should vote in favor of the attached resolution adopted by the Ad Hoc Political Committee. If the resolution is voted upon paragraph-by-paragraph the United States should (a) vote in favor of preambular paragraphs 1, 4 and 5, and operative paragraphs 1, 2 and 3; (b) abstain on preambular paragraphs 2 and 3 and operative paragraph 4: (c) vote against operative paragraph 5.

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The United States should vote under Rule 67 against plenary discussion of the report of the Ad Hoc Political Committee.

2. history in committee

The Ad Hoc Political Committee devoted 6 meetings to the consideration of this agenda item. After adoption of the resolution para-graph-by-paragraph, the resolution as a whole was adopted by 41 votes to 2, with 13 abstentions.

3. possible developments in plenary

Since South Africa has indicated that it does not desire plenary debate, and it is unlikely that India will desire debate, there will probably not be a debate. It is likely, however, that there will be a number of explanations of vote. It will not be necessary for the United States to explain its vote.


Resolution Adopted by the Ad Hoc Political Committee 1/5/52 Treatment of People of Indian Origin in the Union of South Africa


The General Assembly,

Recalling its resolutions 44(1), 265 (III) and 395 (V), relating to the treatment of people of Indian origin in the Union of South Africa,

Having considered that the Government of the Union of South Africa has been unable up to the present time to accept General Assembly resolution 395 (V) as a basis for a round table conference,

Noting that the promulgation on 30 March 1951 of five proclamations under the Group Areas Act renders operative thereby the provisions of that Act in direct contravention of paragraph 3 of resolution 395 (V),

Having in mind its resolution 103(1) of 19 November 1946 against racial persecution and discrimination, and its resolution 217(111) of 10 December 1948 relating to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,

Considering that a policy of “racial segregation” (Apartheid) is necessarily based on doctrines of racial discrimination,

Recommends that a commission of three members be established for the purpose of assisting the parties, namely the Governments of India, Pakistan and the Union of South Africa, in carrying through appropriate negotiations, the said commission to be composed of one member to be nominated by the Government of the Union of South Africa, another to be nominated by the Governments of India and [Page 865] Pakistan and the third to be nominated by the other two members, or in default of agreement between these two within a reasonable time, by the Secretary-General of the United Nations;
Calls upon the Governments of the Union of South Africa, India and Pakistan to nominate members within sixty days from the date of adoption of the present resolution;
Requests the Secretary-General of the United Nations, in the event that the members of the Commission are not nominated in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 above, to lend his assistance to the Governments of India, Pakistan and the Union of South Africa, provided such assistance is deemed necessary and helpful by him, with a view to facilitating appropriate negotiations between them; and further, in his discretion and after consulting the Governments concerned, to appoint an individual who would render such additional assistance for the purpose of facilitating the conduct of the said negotiations;
Calls upon the Government of the Union of South Africa to suspend the implementation or enforcement of the provisions of the Group Areas Act pending the conclusion of the negotiations;
Decides to include this item in the agenda of the next regular session of the General Assembly.