320/1–2652: Telegram

The Acting Chairman of the United States Delegation to the General Assembly (Roosevelt) to the Secretary of State

Delga 1208. From Green. Following … is resolution on self-determination adopted by Comite 3, Jan 25:

Whereas if fifth session recognized right peoples and nations to self-determination as fundamental human right,

Whereas ECOSOC and Commission Human Rights, due lack time, were unable carry out request of to find ways and means which would ensure above-mentioned right peoples and nations,

Whereas violation this right has resulted in bloodshed and war in past and is considered continuous threat to peace,


(a) To save present and succeeding generations from scourge war,

(b) To reaffirm faith fundamental human rights, and

(c) To take due account of political aspirations all peoples and thus to further international peace and security, and to develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for principles of equal rights and self-determination peoples,

Decides include in international covenant or covenants human rights an article on right all peoples and nations to self-determination in reaffirmation of principle enunciated in Charter UN drafted in foll terms: All peoples shall have the right to self-determination.

“Said article to stipulate that all states, including those having responsibility for administration non-self-governing territories, should promote realization that right, in conformity with purposes and principles of UN and that states having responsibility for administration of non-self-governing territories shld promote realization that right in relation to peoples such territories,

Requests Commission Human Rights prepare recommendations concerning international respect for self-determination peoples and submit these recommendations to GA at seventh session,

[Page 781]

“Such recommendations must include invitation to states members of UN responsible under UN Charter and universal declaration human rights for safeguarding and defense of said principle, to avoid recourse to manoeuvres calculated frustrate principle of right peoples to self-determination, including obstruction free expression of people’s will and of realization their legitimate national aspirations, aggression under guise of defense or masked by disinterested motives, such as struggle for truth, freedom, humanitarian principles or any other equally high ideal, exploitation of internal dissensions, trivial or ephemeral national divergencies or conflicting interests in foreign countries and non-self-governing territories, threats and terrorism or any other method contrary to purposes and principles of UN as set forth in Charter”.
