320/12–751: Telegram

The United States Representative at the United Nations ( Austin ) to the Secretary of State

Delga 554. Re: Human Rights Covenant. Following is Belgium–India–Lebanon–US amendment (A/C.3/L.185) to Chile–Egypt–Pakistan–Yugoslav resolution (Delga 450, Nov. 30) on Human Rights Covenant:

“1. After the third para of the preamble, insert the following:

  • —‘whereas—the GA at the request of the ECOSOC in resolution 384 (XIII) of 29 August 1951, reconsidered this matter at its 6th session.’

“2. Substitute the following for the 4th para of the preamble and the operative para:

  • —‘Requests—the ECOSOC to ask the Commission on Human Rights to draft two covenants on Human Rights, to be submitted simultaneously for the consideration of the GA at its 7th session, one to contain civil and political rights and the other to contain economic, social and cultural rights, in order that the GA may approve the two covenants simultaneously and open them at the same time for signature.’”
