320/11–3051: Telegram
The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State
[Received November 30—8:12 p. m.]
Delga 450. Following is draft resolution (A/C.3/L.182) on Human Rights Covenant submitted in committee 3 by Chile, Egypt, Pakistan and Yugoslavia:
“Whereas the Economic and Social Council requested, by its decision of 9 August 1950, the General Assembly to make a policy decision concerning the inclusion of economic, social and cultural rights in the Covenant on Human Rights,
Whereas the General Assembly affirmed, in its decision contained in resolution 421 E (V), that (the enjoyment of civic and political freedoms and of economic, social and cultural rights are interconnected [Page 768] and interdependent) and that (when deprived of economic, social and cultural rights, man does not represent a human person whom the universal declaration regards as the ideal of the free man),
Whereas the General Assembly, in the aforementioned resolution after a thorough and all-round discussion, confirmed the principle that economic, social and cultural rights should be included in the Covenant on Human Rights,
The General Assembly, having in mind resolution 384 (XIII) of the Economic and Social Council of 8 August 1951, but taking into account the fact that the Commission on Human Rights, at its seventh session, with the cooperation of the international labour organization, educational, social and cultural organization and world health organization, had already elaborated the first draft of economic, social and cultural rights in fourteen Articles, reaffirms its decision recorded in resolution 421 E (V) that economic, social and cultural rights should be included in the Covenant on Human Rights.”