645K.51T3/7–2151: Telegram

The Acting united States Representative at the United Nations (Ross) to the Secretary of State


128. For Gerig from Sayre. Re Ewe question. Burns (UK) informed me today British and French Dels have not yet decided whether or not to introduce their own resolution on Ewe question. Burns gave me in strict confidence copy of draft resolution which British and French will submit if they decide advantages of submission of own resolution outweigh disadvantages. Burns will let me know as soon as decision made. Text of resolution follows:1

The Trusteeship Council,

Recalling its resolution 306 (viii) of the 9th March 1951 on the Ewe question.

Having considered the memorandum presented jointly by the delegations of France and the United Kingdom in response to this resolution, and the minutes of proceedings of the consultative commission annexed to that memorandum, in which is to be found an expression of the views of the different groups and parties in the two territories, including those of the Comite de L’Union Togolaise (CUT) and the all-Ewe conference, even though these two parties did not take part in the work of the commission.

Considering that these various views are contradictory among themselves and that it did not appear to the members of the commission themselves that they could in their present form be reconciled.

Considering that in these circumstances it is desirable to concentrate on those questions which can promote the common interests of the inhabitants of the two territories rather than on those issues which tend to exacerbate the differences between the various elements.

Having considered in this connection the various petitions submitted by different groups, parties and individuals to the trusteeship council.

Approves the joint memorandum presented by the delegations of France and the United Kingdom.

Welcomes the establishment by the administering authorities of a joint council with powers and functions in all matters in the economic, social, educational and cultural fields of common interest to the two territories.

Urges the various elements of the population of the two territories to give their full support to this body.

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Invites the administering authorities to keep the trusteeship council informed of the work of the joint council and also of every step of common interest taken as a result of this work.”

  1. This was submitted to the Trusteeship Council as Doc. T/L. 212, July 24; official text is in TC (IX), Annexes, fascicule for agenda item 12.