320/11–2351: Telegram
The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State
Delga 331. Subj: Yugoslav item. Fol is present status Yugo draft resolution:
Draft resolution was circulated confidentially to friendly dels by Yugos yesterday. Is identical with text transmitted in Delga 297, Nov 21, except for elimination of bracketed [numbered?] para 4 and revision of sentence “recommends to the govts concerned that they” to “recommends that the govts concerned”. Dept will note that prior to receipt of Gadel 216, Nov 21, GADel already had successfully suggested to Yugos that their draft resolution be addressed in effect to Yugo as well as Cominform states.
Previous to receipt of Gadel 216 Cooper and staff last night strongly urged Bebler that Yugo draft contain additional recommendation as fols:
“Recommends further to the govts concerned that if the international tension in the area does not subside; they request the sub-commission of the peace observation commission, provided fol in the resolution (VI) to arrange for observation and reporting on the situation along the frontiers between Yugo on the one hand, and Hungary, Bulgaria, Rumania and Albania on the other”.
In explaining this suggestion, Cooper argued that US believes it wld be inconsistent for Yugos, after raising their complaint against. Cominform states not to take advantage of existing UN machinery designed to meet situation. Cooper also said that some use of POC doubtless wld seem quite logical to number of dels which just previously had approved establishment Balkan subcommission under Greek item in same comite.
[Page 517]Bebler last night appeared unenthusiastic, but undertook to discuss suggestion with his del. He observed that Yugo may not be willing propose such recommendation in its own resolution and that if it has to come it wld be better submitted in form of amendment from some other del. He inferred that in such case Yugo wld find it hard to vote against it. He also commented that while US suggestion doubtless has merit from logical point of view, still he wonders whether any use of POC in Yugo at this time wld be politically wise.
Bebler told Cory this a. m. that Yugo del earlier today had decided adversely on latest US suggestion and hopes US will not press it either itself or through other dels, either as addition to present untabled draft or as amendment in comites. He said that Yugo feels such recommendation, if incorporated now in draft resolution, wld attract intensive Soviet attack on general grounds that such use of POC wld constitute unnecessary “imperialist” meddling in Balkans. He added that with this in mind his del hopes to avoid any mention of POC in its own speeches but that, of course, if questions are raised regarding Yugo opinion on use of POC Yugo del wld have to express itself. He said also he hopes that if any del intends to recommend use of POC under Yugo item it will consult in advance with Yugo del, in which case Yugo wld attempt to dissuade.
Cory replied that we will of course promptly transmit Bebler’s remarks to US GADel and Dept, but that to be perfectly frank he felt it only fair to state that US still believes limited use of POC wld be desirable altho, of course, final decision necessarily rests with Yugo. He added that there obviously can be no assurance Yugo and other interested dels wld be successful, even if they try, in dissuading other states from presenting an amendment which wld be pertinent and helpful to Yugo draft resolution.
First reaction by Barnes1 (USDel [ UKDel ]) to suggested addition was adverse but he agreed US wld go along if Yugo accepts it. Ordonneau (Fr) was non-commital.
Speaking of his conversations with other dels re Yugo item, Dr. Bebler last night said that of 20 dels which he has so far consulted 19 dels seem favorably disposed toward item and believe that Yugo draft resolution is sufficiently mild to merit their support. One exception was India which, Bebler said, was non-commital. He added that Pakistan, which abstained on vote to include item in agenda in general comite; showed more positive interest than before.
It is very likely some other del will propose ref to POC in some form during debate which will open Nov 26. In such case we shall support appropriate amendment. If no such proposal made we shall review situation.
[Page 518]Re para 2, Gadel 216, we propose refer human rights violations in speech by USDel.
Sent Dept Delga 331, rptd info Belgrade 84.
- R. C. Barnes, Adviser, United Kingdom Delegation to the General Assembly.↩