320/11–1451: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Bruce) to the Secretary of State


Delga 190. Re draft res on Yugo item. Bebler and Kosanovic gave us fol rough draft res on Yugo item on which they indicated wld welcome drafting aid:

The General Assembly

“Having considered the complaints submitted to it by the del of the FPR of Yugo;

“Viewing with concern the situation created by the attitude of the Govt of the USSR and the Govts of Hungary, Bulgaria, Rumania and Albania, as well as the Govts of Czechoslovakia and Poland, towards Yugo;

“Mindful of the purpose of the UN ‘to develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace’ (Art 1, para 2 of the UN Charter);

“Mindful of its authority to ‘recommend measures for the peaceful adjustment of any situation regardless of origin, which it deems likely to impair the gen welfare of friendly relations among nations’ (Art 14 of the UN Charter);

“Takes note of Yugo’s readiness to contribute on her part everything necessary for the carrying out of the recommendations of the present resolution;

“Recommends to the Govts of the USSR and the Govts of Hungary, Bulgaria, Rumania and Albania, as well as the Govts of Czechoslovakia and Poland;

  • “1. To modify their attitude towards Yugo in accordance with the spirit of the UN Charter;
  • “2. To normalize their diplomatic relations with Yugo and to conform their diplomatic intercourse with the rules which are customary in international relations;
  • “3. That Bulgaria, Hungary, Rumania and Albania—for the purpose of normalizing their border relationship—regulate the border regime in agreement with Yugo and settle possible border disputes by means of mixed border-commissions.
  • “4. To use all other means for the peaceful settlement of outstanding questions between them and Yugo.”

Bebler told us Kardelj1 ready support proposal if made by US under Yugo item, for establishment of POC Sub-committee for Balkans which wld sit in New York and be ready provide observation on request of any Balkan state on whose territory observation wld take place.

Yugo item probably second item on agenda comite.

  1. Edvard Kardelj, Vice-Chairman of the Yugoslav Council of Ministers, Minister for Foreign Affairs, and Chairman of the Yugoslav Delegation to the General Assembly.