Memorandum of Conversation, by the Assistant Secretary of State for United Nations Affairs (Hicherson)
Subject: Action Which Yugoslavia Proposes To Take at Forthcoming General Assembly Session
Participants: | The Honorable Vladimir Popovic, Yugoslav Ambassador |
Dr. Mirko Brunei, First Secretary, Yugoslav Embassy | |
Mr. John D. Hickerson, Assistant Secretary (UNA) | |
Mr. Ward P. Allen, EUR1 | |
Mr. David H. Popper, UNP2 |
Pursuant to remarks which he had made in a conversation with the Secretary on September 25, the Yugoslav Ambassador called on Mr. Hickerson to apprise us of three steps which the Yugoslav Government has in mind in connection with the forthcoming General Assembly.3
1. Agenda Item on Soviet Aggression Against Yugoslavia
The Ambassador said that his government desired to put on the agenda an item relating to the aggressive policies of the USSR and [Page 498] the satellites against Yugoslavia. Under the item the Yugoslavs would seek Assembly condemnation of the Soviet aggressive policy, including frontier violations, hostile speeches and statements, the treatment of Yugoslav minorities in satellite states, the treatment of Yugoslav diplomats, the economic warfare of the Soviet bloc—in fact, the whole range of hostile Soviet activities vis-à-vis Yugoslavia. The Ambassador stated that the form in which the item would be presented was not yet clear, and that his government would welcome our view on this question as well as on the matter of whether this was an appropriate time to introduce such an item. It appeared that the Yugoslav objective would be an Assembly resolution of condemnation calling upon the Soviets to halt their aggressive procedures. In answer to my questions, the Ambassador indicated that the Yugoslav attitude on possible use of the Peace Observation Commission or other fact-finding machinery was not yet fixed and might depend on the results of consultations with friendly states. He took the line that a Yugoslav initiative of the type proposed would be useful regardless of whether or not a Soviet peace offensive developed at the General Assembly.
Although Mr. Popovic pressed for an indication that I regarded the idea favorably, I told him that I would prefer not to give him an offhand opinion but would consult urgently with my colleagues in the Department and give him more definite word within a few days.
[Here follows discussion of other matters.]