Editorial Note
For the proceedings in the First Committee on January 12–17, 1952, when that committee considered agenda item 67, see GA (VI), First Committee, pages 179 ff. A summary version is contained in the Report of the First Committee, Doc. A/2067, January 18, 1952; see GA (VI), Annexes, fascicule for agenda item 67, pages 3 and 4.
The First Committee on January 17 adopted a substitute resolution offered by France, the United Kingdom, and the United States, which referred the proposals in paragraphs 3 to 7 of the Soviet draft resolution to the Disarmament Commission. Before adoption of this tripartite draft resolution the First Committee rejected paragraphs 1, 2, and 8 of the Soviet draft resolution.
[Page 497]In the General Assembly consideration of agenda item 67 on January 19, 1952, that body immediately approved the three-power draft resolution recommended in the Report of the First Committee. The General Assembly then debated and rejected a draft resolution introduced into plenary by the Soviet Union (Doc. A/2068), which had the same text as the Soviet draft resolution of January 12, 1952 (see Doc. A/C.1/698, supra). For the proceedings of January 19, see GA (VI), Plenary, pages 379 ff.
For a statement made to the First Committee on January 12, 1952 by the United States spokesman, Ambassador Gross, see GA (VI), First Committee, page 182. The position of the Western governments was formally stated by the Representative of France, Mr. Jean Chauvel, when he introduced the tripartite draft resolution on January 14, 1952 (ibid., pages 185 and 186). For Ambassador Gross’ statement in the plenary debate on January 19, 1952, see GA (VI), Plenary, pages 383 and 384.