320/1–1252: Telegram

The Acting Chairman of the United States Delegation to the General Assembly (Roosevelt) to the Secretary of State


Delga 992. Re: Membership. Three elements of question need integration in course next few days and have been discussed by Jessup, Cooper, Gross and staff.

1. Re Ital applications in SC: Absent further instrs, we have expressed no further opinion re tactics and US attitude on vote on SC res other than that reported in Delga 799. Result is Itals are campaigning for seven votes in SC and proceeding on theory Sov res is their best hope. We have told them our active or passive position depends on further views Dept, but they are giving other dels impression we provide benevolent abstention. In this connection, they have approached UK, Turks, Neth and Greece (Delga 983).1

Balluseck stated Netherlands is very disinclined support omnibus res. Guidotti says Greece firmly opposed, so he taking no further soundings until US position known.

If, as Gadel 624 suggests, we shall actively oppose Sov res, we shld in fairness to Itals so inform them immediately omnibus SC res. PriMin2 realizes Libyan draft res being tabled wld not necessarily result in its being debated or taken up ahead of Fr draft res for Italy and Sov omnibus res. We can with Fr SC Pres probably control when it is brought up for debate or vote in SC.

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We see two possible tactical situations in SC. (a) Possibility Itals see they lack seven votes for Sov res and acquiesce in vote promptly on two res. Then situation wld be clear for going ahead with Libyan res. (b) Other possibility is Itals may later ask Fr res and Sov res be held in suspense. In this case Libyan res now will be basis highlighting their application as separate case. We recognize that so long as Sov omnibus res is before SC and unvoted there is risk their amending to include Libya at any time, but in that event it wld still be better have separate res on table for Libya.

In actual calling up Libyan application for debate and handling in SC, it wld be important play it to win possible Sov support. If USSR will support to confirming instrs, we raised question US sponsoring such res to get our support on record and prevent USSR from recording its support ahead of US. Pol activity here had indicated serious risk Russians, Arabs or other taking initiative away from US.

Libyans feel such draft res in SC desirable but much prefer Pakistan sponsor, otherwise Brazil. We suggested US as co-sponsor. They politely declined, arguing they wanted Arab sponsor and to keep application out of East–West conflict. They most appreciative our offer and stated they knew [garble] true friends are. PriMin made courtesy call on Vishinsky last night. Latter stated 13 UN applications ahead of Libya and implied Libya must take its turn. PriMin did not get drawn further into discussion this issue.

PriMin requested Clark3 to join him in seeking Pakistan sponsorship SC res which he feels can quickly be obtained. We pointed out quick action may be important to get in draft res before Sov initiative which might be in form amendment its omnibus immediately. Until SC aspect of case determined for time being, either by SC vote or decision vote shld be postponed on Ital application and Sov res, it difficult to move along other two aspects membership. Guidotti states he has asked instructions but feels that lacking seven votes for omnibus res, it and Fr res might as well be voted. He felt veto of Fr res plus four or five votes for omnibus res wld help Italy propaganda-wise. He hoped we might abstain even if seven votes lacking on Sov res and that we wld not press to vote each applicant named in it separately.

2. Re Libya: Further Delga 867,4 it equally important have Dept views on handling and timing this application and relationship to Ital one. Itals urge this be delayed until their situation determined. See also Rome’s 31154 to Dept.

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Consistently with our commitment for strong support for Libya,5 we raised with Libyan PriMin desirability submitting immediately to SC res proposing Libyan admission to UN. Subject to confirming if USSR will support, it will be matter of few minutes to consider it separately in SC toward end of month. SC rule re reference to membership comite can be waived on precedent Indonesian case. Forthcoming ad hoc comite debate may result in various approaches to USSR on behalf Libya. In voting on Libyan res in comite, putting para on UN participation separately to vote might cause fuller disclosure USSR position on application.

3. Belaunde proposed draft res will apparently cover only first element this plan, i.e. to afford states opportunity present own case for admission. Position paper indicates we cld support such res. This device with such other possible elements as request for ICJ opinion and study of pol aspects membership may provide formula for keeping question open for Italy and others and wind up consideration at this session, also avoiding more extreme summary measures. We shld recognize our support will commence chain of events looking toward eventual pol settlement this issue in GA.

Sent Dept Delga 992, rptd Rome 367.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Mahmud Bey Muntasser, Libyan Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs.
  3. Lewis Clark, United States Ambassador to Libya, at Paris at this time with the United States Delegation to the General Assembly.
  4. Not printed.
  5. Not printed.
  6. This position was clearly set forth in a Department of State position paper (instruction) of October 9, 1951, “United States Position on the Report to the General Assembly of the United Nations Commissioner for Libya” (Doc. SD/A/C.1/374, October 9), which said in pertinent part: “When Libya’s independence has been proclaimed and a membership application submitted, the United States should press vigorously for Libya’s admission [to the United Nations].” (IO Files)