
Memorandum, of Conversation, by Mr. Ward P. Allen, Special Assistant on United Nations Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs


Subject: Chinese Representation

Participants: Miss Salt, First Secretary, British Embassy
Mr. Ward P. Allen—EUR

In the course of a conversation on other matters, Miss Salt reported that, following our suggestion of the other day, the Foreign Office has readily agreed that when the question of Chinese representation arises in any UN body between now and the next GA, the UK representative will refrain from making any mention of the GA Resolution on the subject, provided we do likewise. They stated that they had felt forced to mention it in the past only because we had. I made clear that our self-imposed injunction would apply only to the time of the Sixth GA and that we might want to lay some stress upon it in the GA itself.

As to the Chinese representation issue at the International Telecommunications Conference, Miss Salt agreed with the suggestion that if the move for postponement fails the US and UK delegations might wish to concert on the formula we had originally desired in order to avoid a vote on the substance. However, she expressed the view, which I shared, that if the postponement motion failed it would be because of conditions which would make it unlikely that a vote on the substance could be avoided by any other means. She suggested that we leave the matter to be worked out by our respective delegations.