Interest of the United States in questions of economic and military assistance to Saudi Arabia; the question of the renewal of United States tenancy at Dhahran airfield 1
1. For previous documentation on these subjects, see Foreign Relations, 1949, vol. vi, pp. 1573 ff.
[657] Memorandum by Mr. Robert Thayer of the Bureau of Near Eastern, South Asian, and African Affairs to the Ambassador-Designate to Saudi Arabia (Hare)
[Washington,] September 19,
[658] President Truman to King Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia
[Washington,] October 31,
[659] The Ambassador in Saudi Arabia (Hare) to the Secretary of State
Jidda, November 4, 1950—3 p. m.
786A.5/11–450: Telegram
[660] The Ambassador in Saudi Arabia (Hare) to the Secretary of State
Jidda, November 4, 1950—8 p. m.
886A.10/11–450: Telegram
[661] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Saudi Arabia (Hare)
Washington, November 17,
[662] The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Saudi Arabia
Washington, November 21, 1950—5 p. m.
786A.5–MAP/11–2150: Telegram
[663] The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Saudi Arabia
Washington, December 18, 1950—2 p. m.
886A.13/12–650: Telegram
[664] The Ambassador in Saudi Arabia (Hare) to the Secretary of State
Jidda, December 24, 1950—noon.
711.56386A/12–2450: Telegram