Foreign Relations of the United States, 1950, The Near East, South Asia, and Africa, Volume V

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1950, The Near East, South Asia, and Africa, Volume V
- Herbert A. Fine
- Lisle A. Rose
- Joan M. Lee
- John A. Bernbaum
- Charles S. Sampson
- Evans Gerakas
- David H. Stauffer
- Paul Claussen
- William Z. Slany
General Editor:
- Frederick Aandahl
- William Z. Slany
United States Government Printing Office
- Preface
- List of Abbreviations and Symbols
- The Near East: (Documents 1–757)
- Multilateral Relations: (Documents 1–105)
- Conference at Cairo, Egypt, of American diplomatic and consular
officials involved in Near Eastern affairs, March 7–11 (Documents 1–2)
- Interest of the United States in the development of the petroleum
resources of the Near East
(Documents 3–54)
- General policies of the United States with respect to the Near East and South Asia: (Documents 55–101)
- The Point Four program in the Near East (Documents 102–105)
- Conference at Cairo, Egypt, of American diplomatic and consular
officials involved in Near Eastern affairs, March 7–11 (Documents 1–2)
- Egypt (Documents 106–129)
- Greece (Documents 130–202)
- Iran (Documents 203–294)
- Negotiation of United States military, financial, and technical
assistance for Iran; the question of extending the Anglo-Iranian Oil
Company concession; the desirability of close cooperation by the United
States and the United Kingdom in matters of common interest in the Near
(Documents 203–294)
- Agreements between the United States and Iran
- Negotiation of United States military, financial, and technical
assistance for Iran; the question of extending the Anglo-Iranian Oil
Company concession; the desirability of close cooperation by the United
States and the United Kingdom in matters of common interest in the Near
(Documents 203–294)
- Iraq (Documents 295–303)
- Israel (Documents 304–622)
- Interest of the United States in the Arab-Israeli controversy over the
future status of Palestine
(Documents 304–617)
- Agreements between the United States and Israel concerning a civil air
transport agreement and an arrangement on copyrights; initiation of
negotiations with Israel for a treaty of friendship, commerce, and
navigation (Documents 618–622)
- Interest of the United States in the Arab-Israeli controversy over the
future status of Palestine
(Documents 304–617)
- Jordan (Document 623)
- Policy of the United States with respect to Jordan (Document 623)
- Policy of the United States with respect to Jordan (Document 623)
- Lebanon (Documents 624–626)
- Interest of the United States in mitigating anti-western attitudes in
Lebanon (Documents 624–626)
- Interest of the United States in mitigating anti-western attitudes in
Lebanon (Documents 624–626)
- Saudi Arabia (Documents 627–664)
- Syria (Documents 665–680)
- Turkey (Documents 681–753)
- Yemen (Documents 754–757)
- Relations of the United States with Yemen (Documents 754–757)
- Relations of the United States with Yemen (Documents 754–757)
- Multilateral Relations: (Documents 1–105)
- South Asia (Documents 758–839)
- Multilateral Relations: (Documents 758–824)
- Efforts to resolve the dispute between India and Pakistan over
(Documents 758–814)
- Interest of the United States in preserving peaceful relations between
Afghanistan and Pakistan regarding jurisdiction over the North-West
Frontier Province and the Tribal Areas
(Documents 815–823)
- Interest of the United States in resolving the dispute between
Afghanistan and Iran over distribution of the waters of the Helmand
(Document 824)
- Efforts to resolve the dispute between India and Pakistan over
(Documents 758–814)
- India (Documents 825–835)
- Nepal (Document 836)
- Policy of the United States with respect to Nepal (Document 836)
- Policy of the United States with respect to Nepal (Document 836)
- Pakistan (Documents 837–839)
- Multilateral Relations: (Documents 758–824)
- Africa (Documents 840–988)
- Multilateral Relations: (Documents 840–910)
- General policies of the United States with respect to Africa (Documents 840–863)
- The United States participation in discussions on disposition of the
former Italian colonies in Africa
(Documents 864–910)
- Libya (Documents 865–885)
- Eritrea (Documents 886–909)
- Italian Somaliland (Document 910)
- Libya (Documents 865–885)
- General policies of the United States with respect to Africa (Documents 840–863)
- Ethiopia (Documents 911–919)
- Liberia (Documents 920–943)
- Morocco (Documents 944–955)
- Policies of the United States toward the French Protectorate in
Morocco (Documents 944–955)
- Policies of the United States toward the French Protectorate in
Morocco (Documents 944–955)
- Tunisia (Documents 956–970)
- Interest of the United States in the evolution of Tunisia toward
self-government (Documents 956–970)
- Interest of the United States in the evolution of Tunisia toward
self-government (Documents 956–970)
- Union of South Africa (Documents 971–988)
- Multilateral Relations: (Documents 840–910)
- Index
- Errata