
Memorandum by the Chief of the Program Staff, Mutual Defense Assistance Program (Bray)

top secret

Memorandum for the 8.04 File

Subject: Base Requirements in NAT Defense Plans

Source: TSS May 16, 1950.1

In referring to the NCS [ JCS ] our recent letter concerning defense facilities in Greenland and the general question of base rights within the North Atlantic Treaty area,2 the Secretary of Defense expressed concurrence with our view that in many instances the acquisition of [Page 126] facilities and privileges in NAT countries will depend upon the completion of agreed NATO plans setting forth the requirements from a military viewpoint for such facilities or operating arrangements. Accordingly, Secretary Johnson requested the JCS to take the necessary action to insure that the NAT regional defense plans adequately reflect ITS requirements for military rights. He further asked that, when agreed NATO plans have proceeded to a point justifying a “bilateral approach to the country concerned, he be informed in order that final arrangements may be concluded by direct negotiation. This procedure, he stated, should not delay or otherwise alter negotiations now proceeding satisfactorily or those which lie outside the NAT area.

  1. Top secret summary Telac 12 (telegram 12 to Acheson at London), not printed; 700.00/5–1650.
  2. Not found in Department of State files.