396.1 LO/5–1650: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State


Secto 270. Re Secto 269. Following are summary high points made by Foreign Ministers this afternoon1 session agenda Item 3.

Belgium. Three points should be emphasized. (1) NAT principal objective is defense peace in that all signators are against aggression. By defending peace we are rendering world service and are thus able defend our national institutions, heritage, etc. Due great military development USSR last years West faced obvious disequilibrium, obliged take similar action build up defensive capabilities. (2) Effort must be (a) common, with each participant making maximum mutual effort in that individual efforts would be disproportionate with needs: (b) coordinated, in that although hard work has been undertaken during last year and progress made, it is still short of achieving objective; (c) harmonized, not only must effort be in military fields but in economic, social and psychological spheres. Unfortunately priority now must be accorded military; (d) sufficient to achieve peace, prevent aggression and meet any threat. (3) Belgian role in this effort will be to make greatest contribution possible in an effort to secure common objective.

Canada. While agreeing with broad objectives, Pearson2 felt meeting could usefully devote itself to pressing specific questions such as China, Germany, NAT relations with UN. Noted no easing of sense of urgency but at same time no demands for rash steps. Re last year developments cited growth of NA community.

Citing Article 2 expressed hope that mutual obligations assumed thereunder can be clarified and that they can be correlated with broad question of economic cooperation in Western world. Called for increased cooperation and stated his government prepared to do all within its powers.

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Denmark. Called for forceful broad declamation avoiding defensive attitude and emphasizing our attachment to peace, justice, liberty, etc. Declaration should endeavor express Western views of democratic, economic and social life. This would be excellent move in cold war.

Elaborated on Canada’s reference to Article 2, calling for collaboration with non-NATO countries in economic field.

Iceland. Cited subversive activities of common enemy and called for cooperation and coordination in defense and economic efforts.

Italy. Reverted to tremendous responsibilities signators have assumed. Called Italy now looking east3 thus cannot compromise present position. Italy having known dictatorships is nevertheless optimistic. Known dictatorships can build military colossus. Such action is miracle which is not long lasting and which democracies can achieve by long and honest work. Emphasized gratitude at apparent Big Three understanding and stated that though all signators equal they require leadership by Big Three. Supported Schuman plea for solidarity in Far East and emphasized its military, economic and psychological importance for the West. Called for (1) rearmament based on strengthened moral force involving re-education of people, (2) working reality of North Atlantic community with close correlation of interests and efforts as sidelight, spoke for some time on Yugoslav situation4 offering go farthest efforts with Yugoslavia in effort solve this NA sore point. (3) Called for integrated European army and offered go along with other nations in renouncing a part of sovereignty and considering Italian armed forces as integral part of unit.

Refuted argument of Communist strength in Italy. Stated that by determined policy and not suppression Italians brought about complete collapse Communist dress rehearsal revolution this April–May.

Luxembourg. Said NAT is recognition of necessity to return to policy of alliances in face USSR danger and our desire maintain peace. Called for close relation WU and NAT and sacrifices on part of all.

Netherlands. Stated since USSR has shown no desire to cooperate since end war and has steadily increased its forces, we must increase our strength. Nevertheless, possibilities negotiations must not be overlooked and we must answer question how dangerous is present situation and will cold war get hot. This obviously cannot now be answered.

Results Lie’s visit Moscow5 should be examined. (Stikker did not think any effort toward negotiations now would produce results.)

Notwithstanding necessity build up common strength, common meeting place to act as political safety valve must continue in UN and we must maintain that organization. For this reason Netherlands Government recently recognized China. Chinese representative in UN important and Stikker desires indication thought of others on this matter. This led him to plea for coordination political, economic, and military efforts and consultation. Re political coordination need arrangement consult and concert policies UN, China, satellite countries which however should not conflict with existing machinery and might [Page 107] even be merged with it. Re economic coordination should seek implement Article 2 but should not duplicate OEEC. Nevertheless, non-OEEC NAT members should closely coordinate policies with OEEC. Military coordination essential and people now living in fear. Desire see results which must be on common and not individual basis.

Stikker admitted apparent impossibility solve problem sovereignty, defense budgets but said solution required, for only so can freedom be defended.

Norway. Cited emphasis military aspects NAT at time of signature and admitted fear lest military be stressed at expense economic recovery. Reassured however by statement issued Big Three but admitted military efforts cannot be relaxed. Concurrently however joint economic strength must be increased in order maintain military expenditures thereby enforcing political objectives. Concerned over excess anxiety that exists today re peace and risk that Communists may capitalize on this public sentiment. Fears lest cold war be considered by people as permanent and people must therefore be reassured that NAT ultimate objective is peace. Door must be kept open for negotiations and no indication must exist that we are boycotting UN.

If SC is not operative organization before next UNGA danger exists that UN lose universal aspect. UN is psychological organization of great value as symbol of peace and hope and therefore must not be permitted perish.

Norwegian ratification NAT permissible only as instrument of peace in accordance purposes and principles of UN. Pessimism and disillusionment would accordingly result were UN disappear. Furthermore, it is only forum where informal contact permissible USSR. Chinese representative, although presently concern only of SC, will by September become GA problem and accordingly becomes general political problem meriting discussion NAT Council.

Lange6 continued considerable length re risk NAT isolating itself from public desire for peace and feeling that situation must therefore be kept under constant review. NATO must not assume rigid form and possibility Communists’ accuse it of warmongering must constantly be borne in mind.

Portugal. Pled for inclusion Spain in NATO citing geographic and strategic importance Iberian Peninsula and fact Portugal’s common defense depends Spanish inclusion.

Secretary then summarized Ministers’ remarks as follows:

Need for concerted effort economic and defense spheres referring Van Zeeland presentation described above. Stated no question of priority for economic recovery or defense but agreement making sufficient effort hand in hand.
Declaration of faith on principles should come out this meeting. Suggested each delegation appoint expert in drafting special statement.
Importance of coordinated and intensified effort psychological field. Method must be reached obtain concerted presentation to world and be coordinated lest it hinder individual efforts.
Coordinate forces for defense.
Importance organizational problem which should not duplicate or confuse existing machinery.
Miscellaneous questions such as UN, Yugoslavia, and Spain.
Unanimous feeling UN must be supported and universal concern danger Soviet boycott. Notwithstanding universal desire strengthen UN, such action should not be taken by yielding to Soviet threats. China problem acknowledged but stability of Far East is also in question and important lest repercussions Europe result. (End summary)

Council took action recommended by IWG on Council documents D–4/1; D–4/6; D–4/8; and D–4/7,7 and agreed on communiqué issued tonight.

  1. Second meeting, Monday, May 15, 3 p. m.
  2. Lester Pearson, Canadian Secretary of State for External Affairs.
  3. On an action copy of this telegram 270, received in EUR, the words “looking east” are underlined and a question mark is written in the margin.
  4. Documentation on U.S. policy concerning Yugoslavia is scheduled for publication in volume iv.
  5. For documentation on the recently completed visit to Moscow of United Nations Secretary-General Trygve Lie, see vol. ii, pp. 371 ff.
  6. Halvard M. Lange, Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs.
  7. The action recommended on these documents is outlined in the “Detailed Agenda for Conduct of Council Session,” undated, from which the following extract is taken:

    Note for the Chairman:

    “The following paper is for background use of the Foreign Ministers and should not be formally discussed.

    a. Council D–4/1—Report of the International Working Group on Review of Progress in Implementing the North Atlantic Treaty in the Year Since Its Signature.

    “The following reports of the Defense Committee require only routine Council action:

    b. Council D–4/6—Amendment of Paragraph 8g of the Strategic Concept (DC 6/1) [see page 89.]

    Portuguese amendment agreed by the Defense Committee. The Council should note the report and agree to the amendment.

    c. Council D–4/8—Security System for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

    “Amendment to the security regulations (para 2, DC 2/1) [not printed] approved by the Defense Committee. It provides clarification of definition of ‘COSMIC’ material so as to allow flexibility in handling of documents in civilian side of NATO.

    The Council should take note of the Defense Committee’s report and approve the amendment.

    d. Council D–4/7—Implementation of the Security System for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

    “Report on implementation noted by the Defense Committee. The Council should take note of the report.…”

    Council Document D–4/8, and certain other NATO documents referred to in summaries of later meetings of this fourth session, not found in the Department of State NATO Sub-Registry.