CFM Files: Lot M–88: Box 152: SFM Documents 1–40

Paper Prepared by NATO Deputies of the United States, United Kingdom, and France


Document 31 (Revised)1

Proposed Directive to the Defense Committee of the North Atlantic Council

The request of the Turkish Government that it be permitted to adhere to the North Atlantic Treaty was carefully considered by the Fifth Session of the North Atlantic Council. Consideration was simultaneously given to the position of Greece since it was felt that any arrangement made in the case of Turkey should also be extended to cover Greece. It was the opinion of the Council that at the present stage of development of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization it would not be feasible to extend the Treaty to include new countries. It was recognized, however, that in the case of the Mediterranean area, it would be desirable, if the Turkish and Greek Governments so desired, to make arrangements which would permit these two countries to be associated with such phases of the military planning work of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization as are concerned with the defense of the Mediterranean.2 The purpose of these arrangements would be to facilitate coordinated military planning without extending the membership of the Treaty Organization.

The Governments of Turkey and Greece will be informed of the foregoing decision of the Council. If they indicate a desire to conclude such arrangements, the Defense Committee will be so informed and is authorized to take appropriate steps so that representatives of [Page 1285] Turkey and Greece may be associated with such phases of the military planning work of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization as are concerned with the defense of the Mediterranean and as is deemed appropriate by the Defense Committee.3

  1. Document 31 (Revised) is the revision of Document 31 prepared by the NATO Deputies in light of the suggestions put forth and agreed by the Foreign Ministers at their third meeting on September 13. For the minutes of this meeting, see p. 1209; for the text of Document 31, see footnote 10 to those minutes.
  2. The records of the Foreign Ministers meeting indicate that a corrigendum was made for Document 31 (Revised), dated September 14. According to the corrigendum this sentence should read:

    “It was recognized, however, that in the case of the Mediterranean area, it would be desirable, if the Turkish and Greek Governments so desired, to make arrangements which would permit these two countries to be associated with such appropriate phases of the military planning work of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization as are concerned with the defense of the Mediterranean.”

  3. According to the corrigendum the last phrase of this paragraph should read: “the defense of the Mediterranean and as are deemed appropriate by the Defense Committee.” (CFM Files: Lot M–88: Box 252: Tri Docs)