396.1 LO/5–1350: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State


Secto 252. Following afternoon session on May 131 Mr. Bevin, Mr. Schuman and I met with Stikker at latter’s request to inform him results conference talks on Southeast Asia items.

[Page 1058]

At Bevin’s request I led off and read him first 6 paragraphs MIN/TRI/P/92 as representing agreed trilaterally assessed situation that area. I concluded by stating US urgently examining possibility providing certain limited economic and military assistance in area, continuity of which dependent on favorable legislative action.

Stikker thanked me for information and said substantially agreed Dutch estimate. He then said he desired speak of Indonesia and particularly NNG. He recited Australian activities and his efforts to dissuade them. He also emphasized his disquiet over growing activities and powers extremist elements in Indonesia and suggested desirability all Western powers with interest in general area providing for continuing secret consultation.

I replied US agreed Australia should not intervene and had told them so. Bevin interjected “so do we”. I said settlement in NNG should be worked out by 2 parties without interference.

On question extreme nationalist activity Indonesia I stated that I had queried Cochran3 who recognizes danger in situation but does not take as dark a view as Dutch. I mentioned unfortunate aspects certain Dutch activities, e.g., Westerling but said that I realized this was being corrected. On matter of consultation I said I regarded suggestion as wise and right.

Bevin proposed that our 3 Ambassadors by meeting in Djakarta frequently and concerting their actions might exercise helpful influence but care must be taken to avoid cutting across UNCI. I agreed idea might have utility and said we would look into it.

Stikker replied that he would like to study this suggestion and would shortly send us memorandum on subject. Schuman associated himself in general terms with all said by Bevin and me. In leaving Stikker asked for copy MIN/TRI/P/9 on confidential basis which we agreed to give him.

Noteworthy that Stikker made no request for support Dutch position on NNG or our intervention in any fashion in the matter.4

Sent Department Secto 252; repeated The Hague 97, Paris 854. Department pass Djakarta 7.

  1. There is no record of an afternoon meeting of the Foreign Ministers on May 13 in the records of the conference. Presumably Acheson was referring to the meeting with the Foreign Ministers of the Benelux countries.
  2. Not printed, but see MIN/TRI/P/9 Final, p. 1082 and footnotes thereto.
  3. H. Merle Cochran, United States Ambassador to Indonesia.
  4. For further documentation on the United States position on Indonesia and Netherlands New Guinea, see vol. vi, pp. 964 ff.