740.00/8–950: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Consulate at Strasbourg1


5. Fol forwarded for guidance in any informal discussions Koren and Andrews may have with Secretariat and dels to Council of Europe, and for background info other missions.

Comments shld be of informal nature and not permit interpretation as crystallized US Govt views nor as undue interference in affairs of an exclusively European Org.
Since Council primarily useful as broadly based forum to promote and publicize Eur unity by discussions of wide range European problems, measures intended to achieve greater knowledge and understanding Council activities among public and national parliaments are generally to be favored, but we shld refrain from positive comment on such specific proposals this end as contained in Gen Affairs Comite report (Strasbourg Air Despatch 2, Jul 5, 19502).
While it is to be expected that Council will continue consideration general aspects Eur economic integration, OEEC is more effective organization for development specific projects requiring agreement and action by national govts. Interchange information and hearings OEEC experts before Council bodies, as presently provided for, is advantageous, but any proposal for organic relationship two organizations premature.
Possible Council action in field of cartel control is subject separate tel.3 On basis our info Econ Comite recommendation on European companies veiy obscure and tend toward restrictionism. In any case, appears to be type of program which in accordance para 3 above OEEC better staffed to examine.
We assume there may be support within Council for some supervisory function over Schuman Plan high authority. This we wld not favor but especial care shld be taken avoid any comment which cld be taken as official expression US views Schuman Plan beyond gen support broad polit and econ objectives.
See no objection Council hold “general debates on polit problems of a non-mil character which are linked with necessity ensuring security of Europe” (Strasbourg Air Despatch 2, page 3 bottom) providing detailed consideration defense matters and econ implications remain securely within NAT and OEEC.
Tentative thinking here is that certain programs in Social and Cultural fields such as multilateral extension social security benefits and student exchanges particularly suitable for Council action. Preferable that you not comment on Human Rights Convention.
  1. The message was jointly drafted by Hal Reynolds of the Office of European Regional Affairs and Miriam Camp of the Bureau of European Affairs. It was, cleared by James Simsarian of the Office of United Nations Economic and Social Affairs and by Donald Cook of the Division of Exchange of Persons. It was repeated to London as 727, to Brussels as 182, to Rome as 565, to The Hague as. 169.
  2. Not printed.
  3. Telegram 4 to the Consulate in Strasbourg, supra.