740.00/6–1650: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in France 1
2835. Dept wld like to have Koren2 report the Aug mtg of Council of Europe in Strasbourg. We also think wld be very useful if Frances Willis Lond Emb cld go Strasbourg for as much of mtg as possible to assist in preparation of reports.3 Dept desires fullest possible reporting since other agencies will depend on Dept for info and interpretive comment on Aug mtg which is arousing considerable interest here.
Views of Paris Emb requested re (1) Koren availability (2) necessary admin arrangements after coordinating with Andrews at Strasbourg.
Lond views requested re availability Willis.
- Message drafted by Douglas MacArthur, II of the Office of European Regional Affairs and cleared by the Office of British Commonwealth and Northern European Affairs and the Office of Western European Affairs. It was sent to London as 2935.↩
- William A. Koren, Second Secretary and Counselor of Embassy in France. Throughout the year, Koren observed and dispatched reports to the Department on various meetings of the Consultative Assembly, the Committee of Ministers, and various specialized subcommittees of the Council of Europe. In addition, Consul George D. Andrews at Strasbourg filed several reports concerning the activities of the several agencies and bureaus of the Council that were convened in the interim periods between meetings of the Council’s chief deliberative and decision-making bodies. Finally, Bernard Gufler, Chief of the Foreign Relations Division of the Office of Political Affairs in Berlin, filed a long report on the August 1950 meeting of the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg which he attended as an “informal observer” under instructions from the High Commissioner for Germany, John J. McCloy. These reports may be found in file 740.00.↩
- After an exchange of telegrams between the Department and the Embassy in the United Kingdom it was agreed that the press of work in London and the presence in Strasbourg of Consuls Koren and Andrews precluded the necessity of Miss Willis’ attendance as an observer at the Consultative Assembly sessions (740.00/6–3050).↩