850.33/6–2450: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Bruce) to the Secretary of State


3079. (This message contains verbatim text.) Attention Perkins inform Hoffman ECA. This cable is first in series transmitting our translation text of working paper containing draft of treaty implementing French proposal of May 9. Text was given to heads of delegations this morning.1 During afternoon meeting heads of delegations unanimously agreed that text should be held as secret. Primary reason was that official release would invite endless questions from press on wording and delegates would in sense be obligated at least to comment, a situation that they are anxious to avoid at this stage of negotiations. Alternative tentatively agreed is that summary will be given to press for Monday, June 26. Very few copies of working paper distributed and, while delegates sworn to secrecy, it is probably inevitable that press will obtain copy within a fairly short time. Nevertheless there [Page 728] will be no public release and, while document is officially available to US government, it is important that head of each mission assume personally the responsibility for its distribution and for such declassification as he considers necessary. We wish to declassify as soon as possible and will cable when we do so.

Begin text working document.


After a first exchange of views among the six delegations, the French experts have undertaken to prepare a working paper in order to facilitate the common drawing up of a draft treaty to give effect to the French proposal of May 9. The French delegation itself intends in the course of this mutual undertaking to suggest substantial modifications and additions to this working paper.


Considering that world peace can be safeguarded only by creative efforts commensurate with the dangers which menace it;

Convinced that the contribution which an organized and vital Europe can make to civilization is indispensable to the maintenance of peaceful relations;

Aware that Europe can build itself only by concrete achievements creating first a true solidarity and by the establishment of common basis for economic development;

Desirous of cooperating by expansion of their basic production in raising the standard of living and by the advancement of peaceful accomplishments;

Resolved to substitute for age-old rivalries a fusion of their essential interests, to establish by creation of an economic community the basic foundations of a broader and deeper community among countries long torn by violent dissensions, and to lay the cornerstone of an institution capable of leading to a future in which all may share;

The high contracting parties have decided to create a high authority in the service of the European community and to entrust to it the pooling of their coal and steel production.

To this end, they have agreed on the following arrangements:

Section I—The high authority.

Article 1. There is hereby established a common high authority to which the states parties to this treaty confide the pooling of their production of coal and steel and whose decisions will be binding on the states under the conditions hereinafter set forth.

Article 2. The high authority shall be composed of six to nine members chosen by reason of their general competence.

Members of the high authority shall be appointed for six years; the terms of one-third of the members shall expire every two years. In the course of first six years of the operation of the high authority, the order of retirement shall be determined by lot. A retiring member is eligible for reappointment.

Article 3. The governments of the states parties to this treaty shall name members of the authority by common agreement; in the absence [Page 729] of unanimity among the governments, successive votes will be taken for each seat, with a two-thirds majority being required on the first ballot, then a simple majority.

For a member to be elected he must in any case receive votes of at least half the states.

Note—The number of votes which each state is to have will be the subject of a later examination.

Article 4. The president of high authority shall be elected for three years by the governments from among members of the authority. On the first and second ballots a majority of two-thirds will be required, on the third ballot a simple majority. In case of an equal division of votes, the youngest candidate shall be designated.

Article 5. The high authority shall take its decisions by a simple majority. However, when, in accordance with Article 7, it proceeds on the request of a government to a second examination, a confirmatory decision may be taken only by a two-thirds majority.

In case of an equal division of votes, that of the president shall be preponderant.

Article 6. The high authority may communicate, as case may be, either to member governments or directly to business enterprises:

  • (1) Decisions, which are legally binding on addressees in all their details;
  • (2) Recommendations, which are binding as to their purposes but which leave to their addressees the choice of appropriate methods to carry out the stated purpose; and
  • (3) Suggestions, which are not legally binding.

Where the high authority is empowered to make a decision it may instead make a recommendation or suggestion; where the high authority is empowered to make a recommendation it may instead make a suggestion.

With respect to the services, agencies and institutions attached directly to the high authority, the latter will have the right to promulgate regulations and to take all necessary measures of internal order.

Text to be continued in subsequent telegram.

Sent Department 3079; repeated info London 861 eyes only Douglas, Frankfort 432 eyes only McCloy, Rome 233 eyes only Dunn, Brussels unnumbered eyes only Murphy, The Hague unnumbered eyes only Chapin.

  1. Delegations from France, Italy, western Germany, and the Benelux countries opened the so-called “Conference of Six” in Paris on June 20.